Autore: Roy Shilkrot

Dr. Jochen Huber is a Senior User Experience Researcher at Synaptics. Previously, he was an SUTD-MIT postdoctoral fellow in the Fluid Interfaces Group at MIT Media Lab and the Augmented Human Lab at Singapore University of Technology and Design. Jochen’s work is situated at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction and Human Augmentation. He designs, implements and studies assistive augmentation technology in the areas of mobile, tangible, non-visual and automotive interfaces. Dr. Roy Shilkrot ​is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stony Brook University, where he heads the Human Interaction lab. He is affiliated with the Consortium for Digital Arts, Culture, and Technology (c DACT). He completed his Ph.D. at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) under the supervision of Prof. Pattie Maes in July 2015. Prof.  Pattie Maes is the Alexander W. Dreyfoos (1954) Professor at MIT”s Media Laboratory and the associate department head for the Program in Media Arts and Sciences. She founded and directs the Media Lab”s Fluid Interfaces research group, whose goal is to design and develop computer interfaces that are a more natural extension of our minds, bodies and behaviour. Prof. Suranga Nanayakkara founded the “Augmented Human Lab” at Singapore University of Technology and Design to explore ways of creating ‘enabling’ human-computer interfaces. Because of his emphasis on “enabling” rather than “fixing, ” the technologies that Suranga has developed have a meaningful impact on people with and without disabilities.

2 Ebook di Roy Shilkrot

Daniel Lélis Baggio & Shervin Emami: Mastering OpenCV 3
As we become more capable of handling data in every kind, we are becoming more reliant on visual input and what we can do with those self-driving cars, face recognition, and even augmented reality ap …
Roy Shilkrot & David Millán Escrivá: Mastering OpenCV 4
Mastering Open CV, now in its third edition, targets computer vision engineers taking their first steps toward mastering Open CV. Keeping the mathematical formulations to a solid but bare minimum, th …