Tabella dei contenuti
Introduction ~ Sally Dowling, David Pontin and Kate Boyer
The UK policy context: reconfiguration of the Unicef UK Baby Friendly Initiative to reflect the importance of relationships and ensuring sustainability ~ Francesca Entwistle and Fiona Dykes
Part I: Breastfeeding and emotions
Managing the dynamics of shame in breastfeeding support ~ Dawn Leeming
Breastfeeding’s emotional intensity: pride, shame and status ~ Lisa Smyth
‘Betwixt and between’: women’s experiences of breastfeeding long term ~ Sally Dowling
Weaving breastfeeding practices into policy ~ Lucila Newell
Breastfeeding and emotions: reflections for policy and practice ~ Sally Johnson and Sally Tedstone
Part II: Cultures of breastfeeding
‘Missing milk’: an exploration of migrant mothers’ experiences of infant feeding in the UK ~ Louise Condon
Changing cultures of night-time breastfeeding and sleep in the US ~ Cecilia Tomori
Breastfeeding and modern parenting: when worlds collide ~ Amy Brown
Parenting ideologies, infant feeding and popular culture ~ Abigail Locke
Cultures of breastfeeding: reflections for policy and practice ~ Sally Tedstone and Geraldine Lucas
Part III: Breastfeeding and popular culture
Law of lactation breaks in the UK: employers’ perspectives ~ Melanie Fraser
Making breastfeeding social: the role of brelfies in breastfeeding’s burgeoning publics ~ Fiona Giles
Encountering public art: monumental breasts and the Skywhale ~ Alison Bartlett
Embodiment as a gauge of individual, public and planetary health ~ Maia Boswell-Penc
Breastfeeding and popular culture: reflections for policy and practice ~ Nicki Symes, Elizabeth Mayo, Emma Laird
Series context: reflection on experiences of attending seminar series ~ Sally Tedstone
Conclusion ~ Sally Dowling, David Pontin and Kate Boyer