Autore: Salvatore Esposito

Salvatore Esposito is a professor in the history of physics and associate professor of theoretical physics, working at the I.N.F.N. (Itlian National Institute for Nuclear Physics) in the Section of Naples. His research interests range from neutrino physics to field theory, and he is considered the world’s leading expert on Majorana”s work.

8 Ebook di Salvatore Esposito

Salvatore Esposito & E. Recami: Ettore Majorana: Unpublished Research Notes on Theoretical Physics
Without listing his works, all of which are highly notable both for the originality of the methods utilized as well as for the importance of the results achieved, we limit ourselves to the following: …
Salvatore Esposito: Ettore Majorana
This biography sheds new light on the life and work of physicist Ettore Majorana (including unpublished contributions), as well as on his mysterious disappearance in March 1938. Majorana is held by m …
Salvatore Esposito & Ofelia Pisanti: Neutron Physics For Nuclear Reactors: Unpublished Writings By Enrico Fermi
This unique volume gives an accurate and very detailed description of the functioning and operation of basic nuclear reactors, as emerging from yet unpublished papers by Nobel Laureate Enrico Fermi.I …
Salvatore Esposito & Ettore Majorana Jr.: Ettore Majorana: Notes on Theoretical Physics
HISTORICAL PRELUDE Ettore Majorana’s fame solidly rests on testimonies like the following, from the evocative pen of Giuseppe Cocconi. At the request of Edoardo Amaldi, he wrote from CERN (July 18, 1 …
Massimo Acanfora & Roberto Brioschi: L’economia trasformativa
Un libro radicale, per cambiare davvero modello: dal capitalismo, che mercifica ogni cosa, alle economie “umane”, solidali e trasformative, che permettono di prendersi cura di sé, …
Salvatore Esposito: Nem akartam főnök lenni
Salvatore Esposito a nagysikerű tévésorozattal, a Gomorrával vált híressé Genny Savastano szerepében. Sokan és sokszor találgatják, vajon ki rejtőzik valójában a hideg, könyörtelen arc mögött? Talán …