SAM DAWSON DID NOT LIKE TURNING SIXTY. Body parts started heading south, and in the Down Dog yoga pose she could count the wrinkles around her ankles like the age rings of a tree. Curious to learn whether others her age felt the same, she interviewed seventy women.
Broad Appeal is a culmination of her candid conversations with these mature women and reveals that over-the-hill is actually a new and exciting frontier. Sam discovered that most women feel like she does: they dont think, feel, or act old. They may see their reflection in the mirror and wonder Who is that old lady? but on the inside they feel the same as when they were young. Turns out, these women who burned their bras in the 1960s are not rocking chair grannies. Instead, they are revolutionizing old age. These everyday women share their wit and wisdom on such subjects as:
What is great about being older than sixty
Why physical changes are a laughing matter
How to love large and ditch toxic people
When to employ the give-a-shit factor and live life your way.
This entertaining compilation of quotes smashes the older-woman stereotype and provides evidence that there is a full, rich adventure yet to come. Get ready for a surprising and uplifting read that will inspire you to live a fun-filled, outrageous, and joyful life.
*A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Impact Giving.
Circa l’autore
Sam Dawson is a founding partner of Impact Giving, a woman’s collective giving organization* and the creator of Sam’s Salon, a bi-monthly gathering of women. She’s been an award-winning publicist and a foundation program officer. She has three daughters and seven grandchildren, and lives in Southern California.