Seminar paper from the year 2014 in the subject Business economics – Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 1, 3, Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences, language: English, abstract: I learned how to deal with different types of cultures and how to behave in various situations. I got to know the correspondence between needs and languages. The four types of language are:
– Value(s)
– Structure(d)
– Relation(s)
– Idea(s).
Every type of them has different needs, for example the value-type is looking for esteem, which means he needs acknowledgement and respect for his actions more than other types would need it. The idea-type wants to have attentions and is a creative person, they want to play and to try new things. The relation-type needs affection and reassurance for his / her doings and loves to have contact with others. Last but not least the structured-type is happy to have methods, processes and knowledge which he / she needs to follow. This type wants conformation for that. If people don’t get satisfaction for their individual physical needs they get less motivated and this could lead to mistakes in their work or behavior. These human beings develop an increased lack of emotional capital and they feel frustrated and sad. If they show and how they behave in these situations depends on the type of language they’re speaking.
Tabella dei contenuti
General Part
1. What have I learned, what are my take aways from the seminar?
2. What I will do differently? How to implement my learnings?
3. How was the Miti seminar for me? 5
What I liked?
What I disliked?
Specific Part
4. How to be respectful and inquiry (different dimensions in Germany)
Low context / truth speaking
Being on time
Quality and facts count
Distance keeping
High uncertainty avoidance
Conceptual expression
Low power distance