This series of books from Learning Matters is aimed at busy social work and health care practitioners, particularly in the context of integrated health and social care, who are looking to enhance their skills and extend their knowledge. Written from a practical point of view, they have clear links to both qualifying training as well as CPD. They are up-to-date, accessible and totally skills focused.
Practice education has never had a more important role in the development and delivery of quality social work practice. Updated to include the BASW (2022) Practice Educator Professional Standards, this Sixth Edition provides step-by-step guidance and support to those undertaking practice educator awards and to those new to the practice education role.
Tabella dei contenuti
Chapter 1: Practice educators and work-based learning
PART I: Domain A: Working with others to organise an effective working environment
Chapter 2: Managing learning: taking a partnership approach
Chapter 3: Effective planning and preparation
Chapter 4: Organising learning (Elements 2–7)
PART II: Domain B: Teaching, facilitating and supporting learning and professional development in practice
Chapter 5: Understanding learners
Chapter 6: Developing learning objectives
Chapter 7: Considering learning theories
Chapter 8: Designing learning opportunities
PART III: Domain C: Managing the fair and transparent assessment of students in practice
Chapter 9: Understanding the assessment of social work practice
Chapter 10: The assessment process
Chapter 11: Assessment methods and their use in the workplace
PART IV: Applying learning from Domains A–C to address challenging practice situations
Chapter 12: Applying learning from Domains A–C to develop an effective supervisory relationship
Chapter 13: Applying learning from Domains A–C to support the development of resilience in learners
Chapter 14: Applying learning from Domains A–C when working in marginal or failing placements
PART V: Domain D: Developing knowledge and continuing performance as a practice educator
Chapter 15: Continuing learning and development
Circa l’autore
Lynne specialises in professional educational development within post-qualifying (PQ) and continuing professional development (CPD) programmes at the National Centre for Post Qualifying Social Work and Professional Practice at Bournemouth University. Here she has helped design and develop a number of units for both health and social care markets. She facilitates learning about critical thinking, professional reasoning and judgement, evidencing professional learning, leading and enabling others, and service improvement methodology. Lynne’s professional and research interests focus on the nature and development of professional reasoning and judgement, and her Professional Doctorate has helped create a unique set of assessment criteria for their development and evaluation within academic written work.