American government is not just one story—it’s many stories. Our stories. And they are still being told.
American Government: Stories of a Nation, Scott F. Abernathy tunes into the diverse perspectives and political persuasions involved in American politics. This balanced approach encourages students to actively engage with the material while facilitating a thoughtful exploration of important themes in politics, governance, and current events.
Known for addressing issues in a way that is both relatable and solidly grounded in research, the
Fifth Edition delivers new ways for students to understand and participate in politics.
Tabella dei contenuti
My Place as a Storyteller
About the Author
American Political Stories
Standing Rock: Water Protectors Claim Their Rights and Freedoms in North Dakota
American Political Culture Is Built on a Set of Shared Ideas
The American Revolutionaries Employ Strategic Political Action
The Structure of Institutions Affects How Citizens Participate
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Links the Challenge against Racial Segregation to Core American Ideals
Conclusion: The American Experiment Continues, and You Are Part of It
The Constitution of the United States
James Madison Plans for a Republic That Will Last
The Confederal System Made Coordination between the States Difficult
Delegates Reach a Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
Delegates Work Out Details of the New Government
Federalists and Anti-Federalists Argue over Ratification
Conclusion: The Motives of the Framers and the Effects of the Constitution Are Still Being Debated
Marijuana Policy Today Reveals Tensions between State and Federal Law
The Constitution Divides Power between the Nation and the States
For Much of American History, the Boundaries between the Nation and the States Were Sharper Than They Are Today
President Franklin Roosevelt’s Response to the Great Depression Reshapes American Federalism
Modern American Federalism Remains Cooperative but Faces Challenges
Conclusion: The Evolution of Federalism Continues
Civil Liberties
Claims on Rights to Privacy Highlight the Shifting and Contentious Debates Surrounding Americans’ Civil Liberties
The Bill of Rights Establishes Protections for Americans’ Civil Liberties
The First Amendment’s First Two Protections Both Involve Religion
The First Amendment Also Protects Expression: Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petitioning the Government
The Constitution Also Protects Individuals Involved with the Criminal Justice System
The Ninth and Tenth Amendments Help Shape Freedoms in the Nation and across the States
Conclusion: Civil Liberties Involve Fences Still under Construction
Civil Rights
Protesters Act to Secure Rights for Americans with Disabilities
Civil Rights Amendments Emerge from the Civil War—but Provide Limited Protection in Practice
Challenges to Legal Segregation Achieve Successes but Face Resistance
American Women Work to Secure Their Civil Rights
Americans Confront Overlapping Forms of Discrimination
Conclusion: Have Americans’ Civil Rights Been Secured?
Political Participation
Acting against Campus Sexual Violence Involves Many Forms of Political Participation
Political Participation Can Take Many Forms
The Decision to Vote or Not Vote Involves Many Factors
#Me Too Highlights the Possibilities and Challenges of Digital Political Participation
Are Young Adult Americans Really Disconnected from the Political Process?
Conclusion: Americans Are Continually Tasked with Carrying the Weight of Self-Governance
Public Opinion
Public Opinion May Be Moved by Important Events
Public Opinion Is the Sum Total of Individual Beliefs and Attitudes
Public Opinion Is Transmitted and Measured in Several Ways
Political Socialization and Political Ideology Shape Public Opinion
From Changing the Conversation to Changing Public Policy: Americans Remain Divided over the Protests’ Legacy
Conclusion: How Meaningful Is Public Opinion?
The Media
Can Americans Trust Their News Media?
Though the American Media Have Changed, Questions of Trust and Power Endure
Questions of Bias Challenge Americans’ Trust in the Media’s Objectivity
Media Ownership and Content Are Subject to Regulation
Did the Media Convince Americans That They Were Being Invaded by Martians?
Conclusion: Debates about the Power of the Media Continue
Political Parties
Bernie Sanders Challenges the Democratic Party to Become More Progressive, Twice
Parties Act to Identify, Support, and Nominate Candidates for Elected Office
Parties Strive to Get Voters to Identify with Them
Donald Trump Takes on the Establishment
Political Polarization, Gridlock, and Two-Party Dominance Are the Defining Features of Parties in Government Today
Conclusion: In a Tumultuous 2024 Election Season, the Parties Respond
Campaigns and Elections
Elections from the Candidate’s Point of View: Campaigning in Uncertain Times
The Rules Governing National Elections Shape the Transmission of Americans’ Preferences into Laws and Policies
The Details of Congressional Elections Differ by State, but Many of the Rules Are the Same
Presidential Elections Have Many Stages and Moving Parts
Conclusion: The 2024 Elections: The National Becomes Local, and the Local Has National Implications
Interest Groups and Social Movements
A Housing Bubble Bursts, and Interest Groups Pop Up
Americans Face Challenges in Acting Collectively in a Representative Democracy
Interest Groups Vary by Type and Tactic, but They All Face Similar Challenges
Occupy Wall Street Illustrates the Struggles, Successes, and Failures of Social Movements
Social Movements Employ Different Tactics from Interest Groups to Make Change and Educate
Conclusion: The Challenges of Organizing in American Political Life Continue
Two “Years of the Woman” Highlight the Promise and Challenge of More Inclusive Representation in Congress
The Constitution Defines Congress’s Shape and Powers
Congress Is Organized Around Formal and Informal Rules
The Legislative Process Is Complex by Design
Members Represent Constituents in How They Act and Who They Are
Conclusion: Representation Remains Complex, but the Landscape Continues to Change
The American Presidency
As Individuals, American Presidents Must Confront the Often Contradictory Demands of Their Office
The Constitution Outlines the Powers of the American Presidency and Places Limits on Those Powers
Institutions and Other Informal Sources of Power Shape the Modern Executive Branch
Presidents Have Pushed the Limits of Their Power to Preserve National Security
The President Has Several Tools for Unilateral Action
Conclusion: The Paradoxes of the Presidency Continue
The Federal Bureaucracy
Federal Bureaucratic Action Consists of Many Actors and Evolves over Time
Theories of Bureaucratic Organization Focus on Rules, People, and Tasks
The Bureaucracy Has Developed in Response to Demands and Crises
A Functioning Bureaucracy Depends on Effective Organization
The Bureaucracy Is Constrained by Oversight and Reform
Conclusion: New Challenges Arise, and the Federal Bureaucracy Is Asked to Respond
The Federal Judiciary
The Politics of Supreme Court Confirmations Place Nominees on “Trial”
The Constitution Casts the Judiciary as a Unique but Weaker Branch
The “Trial” of John Marshall Establishes the Principle of Judicial Review
The American Legal System Is Defined by Federalism
Judicial Review Raises Questions of Constitutional Interpretation and Judicial Decision-Making
Conclusion: The Trial of the Supreme Court Continues
Domestic Public Policy
American Education Policy about School Choice Involves Both Politics and Markets
There Is Nothing Tidy about the Domestic Policymaking Process
Educational Reform Today Takes a Variety of Types
Health Care Policy Has Evolved since the Great Society
Education and Health Care Are Only Two of Many Areas of Domestic Policy
Conclusion: Domestic Policy Is about Democratic Representation
Economic Policy
The Problem of Student Debt Threatens the Financial Health of Student Borrowers and the National Economy
Student Debt Helps to Shape the Agenda of Presidential Politics
Fiscal Policy Guides the Economy through Decisions on Spending and Taxation
Economic Policymaking during Uncertain Times: Congress Responds to COVID-19
Monetary Policy Is Governed by the Federal Reserve System
Conclusion: Can Economic Policy Solve the Student Debt Problem?
Foreign Policy
Major Shifts in Global Political and Economic Power Shape American Foreign Policy Today
US Foreign Policy Has Changed over Time
American Foreign Policy Is Formulated by Many Actors and Organizations
Immigration Connects Foreign Policy to Domestic Policy
Conclusion: The Story of American Politics Continues
Appendix 1: Articles of Confederation
Appendix 2: Declaration of Independence
Appendix 3: Constitution of the United States
Appendix 4: Federalist No. 10
Appendix 5: Federalist No. 51
Appendix 6: Political Party Affiliations in Congress and the Presidency, 1789-2024
Appendix 7: Summary of Presidential Elections, 1789-2024
Circa l’autore
Scott F. Abernathy is a University Distinguished Teaching Professor and an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Minnesota. He is also the author of two books on education policy – School Choice and the Future of American Democracy and No Child Left Behind and the Public Schools – both from University of Michigan Press. At the undergraduate level, Scott has taught Introduction to American Government, Education Policy, and Religion and American Politics courses and has won numerous teaching awards. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Minnesota, Scott worked as a 4th and 7th grade public school teacher in Wisconsin and as an on-street counselor for young adults experiencing homelessness in Boston, Massachusetts.