Autore: Sema Kaygusuz

Sema Kaygusuz, 1972 in Samsun an der türkischen Schwarzmeerküste geboren, lebt als Prosaautorin, Essayistin und Drehbuchautorin – u.a. für Yeşim Ustaoğlus preisgekrönten Spielfilm ›Pandoras Box‹ – in Istanbul. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen, zuletzt auf Deutsch ›Wein und Gold‹ (2008) sowie Essays in Lettre International. Sema Kaygusuz war 2010 Gast des Berliner Künstlerprogramms des DAAD.

5 Ebook di Sema Kaygusuz

Sema Kaygusuz: Schwarze Galle
Ob Melancholie, Tristesse, hüzün … Sema Kaygusuz, die weise Poetin unter den türkischen Prosaautoren, dekliniert mit kristallklarer, bildstarker Sprache die ‘schwarze Galle’ in ihren unterschiedliche …
Sema Kaygusuz: Well of Trapped Words
Sema Kaygusuz is one of Turkey’s leading literary writers. Her writing is lyrical and carefully stylised; it addresses contemporary themes of cultural identity and feminism, while also incorporating …
Tuerker Armaner & Nedim Gursel: Book of Istanbul
Istanbul. Seat of empire. Melting pot where East meets West. Fingertip touching-point between continents. Even today there are many different versions of the city, different communities, distinct peo …
Sema Kaygusuz: Every Fire You Tend
A poetic reckoning with Turkish history, fuelled by mysticism In 1938, in the remote Dersim region of Eastern Anatolia, the Turkish Republic launched an operation to erase an entire community of Zaza …
Qadir Agid & Jil Azwani: Kurdistan + 100
Winner of a PEN Translates Award 2021Kurdistan + 100 poses a question to contemporary Kurdish writers: Might the Kurds one day have a country to call their own? With 13 stories all set in the year 20 …