The book provides an introduction to the mechanics of composite materials, written for graduate students and practitioners in industry. It examines ways to model the impact event, to determine the size and severity of the damage and discusses general trends observed during experiments.
Tabella dei contenuti
S. Abrate: Introduction to the mechanics of composite materials. – S. Abrate: Mechanics of plates. – S. Abrate: Impact Dynamics. – U. K. Vaidya: Impact response of laminated and sandwich composites. – G. Belingardi, G. Chiandussi: Vehicle crashworthiness design. – W. J. Cantwell, M. Mujib, R. Day: The impact resistance of fiber metal laminates and hybrid materials. – R. Zaera: Ballistic impacts on polymer matrix composites, composite armor, personal armor
Circa l’autore
Serge Abrate
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy
Southern Illinois University
Lincoln Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901-6603, USA