Yehoshua Frenkel is Professor of Middle Eastern History at the University of Haifa. His research interests embrace popular culture, Islamic etiquette, communal practices, social history, and legal discourse in Middle and Late Caliphate Egypt and Syria (1055–1517).
2 Ebook di Serge Ruzer
Matthias Morgenstern & Christian Boudignon: männlich und weiblich schuf Er sie
Gott schuf den Menschen »männlich und weiblich« (Gen 1, 27). Religionswissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen aus acht Ländern der Europäischen Union und rings um das Mittelmeer gehen der Wirku …
Reuven Kiperwasser & Aryeh Kofsky: Late Antique Jewish and Christian Travelogues
Focusing on travel narratives as a setting for spelling out both cultural exchanges and identity building, the present volume maps a variety of strategies employed in travelogues by Christians and Je …