In a fresh and compelling way, Why Did You Give Up The Koochie And Now You Mad will educate men and women in understanding Gods idea about woman, wife, and marriage.
God built woman as a spectacular and wondrous masterpiece. She is indeed astonishing, a fabulous gift to humanity. Nevertheless, many women do not understand Gods mind toward her. Many women are not acquainted with Gods idea about her care; treatment; due respect; or the measure of love God decreed she receive.
Society has taught women many disciplines. Many of which she ought to have never accepted. Understanding Gods idea will empower women to see Gods mind regarding His idea of her, and for her. In Why Did You Give Up The Koochie And Now You Mad women will discover Gods reason for her creation; Gods idea of her care and treatment; and Gods intentions of mans expression of love that she deserves.
Why Did You Give Up The Koochie And Now You Mad will teach both men and women about what the words man and husband actually means. They will also find the Scriptural definition of wife, also known as a good thing. Both will grasp Gods idea of the Scriptural meaning of submission. Men and women, husbands and wives will come to know, and understand what each is to yield to the other, and what neither should be willing to submit.
Circa l’autore
Shadoew Rose is a freelance writer who enjoys coaching spouses in controversial marital issues, along with her husband, Clarence. She is an inspirational poet, and blogger. She maintains a Facebook page to network with her friends and readers. Shadoew is the author of, “From The Father’s Heart” (Tate Publishing 2010). Her latest project, “WHY DID YOU GIVE UP THE KOOCHIE, AND NOW YOU MAD” enlightens men and women in God’s idea of woman, wife, and marriage. She and her husband coach challenged marital relations. Currently, Shadoew is pursuing her Ph D in Theology. This is Shadoew’s second book.