Florence W. Kaslow, Ph D, ABPP, is director of the Florida
Couples and Family Institute and president of the Kaslow Associates
in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. She is also a visiting professor of
medical psychology in psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center
(Durham, North Carolina) and a visiting professor of psychology at
Florida Institute of Technology. Dr. Kaslow is editor or author of
22 books, over 50 book chapters, and more than 160 articles in the
professional literature.
Robert F. Massey, Ph D, is a professor and director of the
Marriage and Family MS, Ed S, and Ph D programs in the Department of
Professional Psychology and Family Therapy at Seton Hall
University, South Orange, New Jersey. He is an approved supervisor
in the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy and a
certified transactional analyst. He writes on and researches
integrative systems thinking, couple and family relationships,
personality theories, and spirituality in contexts.
Sharon Davis Massey, Ph D, is a licensed marriage and
family therapist and an approve supervisor in the American
Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. She supervises the
clinical work of university students and is an adjunct professor in
the marriage and family programs at Seton Hall University, South
Orange, New Jersey. Her professional interests center around the
development of humans within their evolving contexts, supervision
from an interpersonal-systemic frame of reference, and human ways
to knowing.
1 Ebook di Sharon Davis Massey
Sharon Davis Massey & Florence W. Kaslow: Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy, Volume 3, Interpersonal/Humanistic/Existential
Now available in paperback. In this volume, theoretical frames, modalities, and applicationsare examined for Interpersonal/Humanistic/Existentialpsychotherapy. Topics range from ‘Culturally Sensitive …