Autore: Sheila Kennedy

Thomas Schröpfer is Associate Professor and Programme Director of Architecture at Singapore University of Technology and Design SUTD. James Carpenter is principal of James Carpenter Design Associates in New York. Sheila Kennedy is principal of Kennedy & Violich Architecture in Boston and teaches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Toshiko Mori is principal of Toshiko Mori Architect in New York and teaches at the Hardvard University Graduate School of Design. Liat Margolis is a landscape architect and teaches at the John Daniels Architecture School of the University of Toronto. Nader Tehrani is principal of Office d A in Boston and Head of the Department of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Peter Yeadon is principal of Decker Yeadon in New York and teaches at the Rhode Island School of Design. Erwin Viray is an architect and teaches at the National University of Singapore

4 Ebook di Sheila Kennedy

Sheila Kennedy: No One’s Pet
For the first time in the history of the iconic adult magazine Penthouse, the curtain is lifted on life in Bob Guccione’s mansion. No One’s Pet: The Autobiography of Sheila Kennedy reveals the inner …
Thomas Schröpfer: Material Design
The approach of ‘Informing Architecture by Materiality’ opens the way to an innovative use of materials in the design professions. Taking material qualities and properties such as texture, elasticity …
Thomas Schröpfer: Material Design
Wenn das professionelle Interesse an neuen Materialien über eine intuitive Faszination hinausgeht, stellt sich die Frage, wie Innovationen aus der Materialerforschung in die Architekturanwendung impo …
Sheila Kennedy: God and Country
Americans increasingly think in terms of red and blue. God and Country examines the religious roots of these cultural divisions in American political life. But instead of pitting a people of faith ag …