Dionde is the fourth and final brother to be plagued by the curse which damns him to be confined by the light of day in a stone prison, and a gray skinned beast with bat-like wings during the dead of night. His brothers have each found their freedom in the arms of their true loves, but he fears since he is the last, he will be forever doomed to remain as he is. When he rescues a young tourist, Allison, from a vampire, he feels his heart beat differently from the first moment he looks at her. Holding her in his arms, he knows she has always belonged there.*Allison was attacked and turned into a vampire before she even realized what was happening. Soon she discovers she is nothing more than a pawn in a darker game. She is bait for what Victor, her sire, truly desires: the Gargoyle. If she helps him get his desire, Victor will set her free, but soon, she discovers she can’t fight the attraction she feels for this beautiful, gentle beast. She knows to stay with him is to endanger him. Although her conscience demands she leave him before he can be hurt, she finds herself feeling a love she never believed possible.
Circa l’autore
What to say about myself? Gee… I’m not sure. I’m a wife, a mother, and even a GRANDMOTHER… But call me Mi Mi!
I LOVE to tell stories! It is just about my favorite thing to do. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve LOVED a good romance.
But not just ANY romance. No way! I have to have adventure, excitement, danger, thrills and chills as well. What’s the point in just a regular old, PREDICTABLE romance? If I can tell halfway through the book what is going to happen, where’s the fun in that?
As if you can’t already tell, I love to read about as much as I love to write! I read romance, mystery, horror, fan fiction (Mostly Harry Potter or True Blood) and anything else that catches my eye.
I also write stories for younger readers age 14 and up; YA novels under the pen name of Rowan Shannigan. I’m working on my second novel in the first series I’ve started under that alias. Check it out at http://feeltheawareness.weebly.com if you are interested. Same CRAZY kind of stories, just a little less intense. If you don’t try it, you don’t know what you’re missing!