Automation is undergoing a major transformation in scope and dimension and plays an increasingly important role in the global economy and in our daily lives. Engineers combine automated devices with mathematical and organizational tools to create complex systems for a rapidly expanding range of applications and human activities. This handbook incorporates these new developments and presents a widespread and well-structured conglomeration of new emerging application areas of automation. Besides manufacturing as a primary application of automation, the handbook contains new application areas such as medical systems and health, transportation, security and maintenance, service, construction and retail as well as production or logistics. This Springer Handbook is not only an ideal resource for automation experts but also for people new to this expanding field such as engineers, medical doctors, computer scientists, designers. It is edited by an internationally renowned and experienced expert.
Tabella dei contenuti
Development and Impacts of Automation.- Advances in Robotics and Automation: Historical Perspectives.- Advances in Industrial Automation: Historical Perspectives.- Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World.- A History of Automatic Control.- Social, Organizational, and Individual Impacts of Automation.- Economic Aspects of Automation.- Impacts of Automation on Precision.- Trends in Automation.- Automation Theory and Scientific Foundations.- Control Theory for Automation: Fundamentals.- Control Theory for Automation – Advanced Techniques.- Control of Uncertain Systems.- Cybernetics and Learning Automata.- Communication in Automation, Including Networking and Wireless.- Artificial Intelligence and Automation.- Virtual Reality and Automation.- Automation of Mobility and Navigation.- The Human Role in Automation.- What Can Be Automated? What Cannot Be Automated?.- Automation Design: Theory, Elements, and Methods.- Mechatronic Systems – A Short Introduction.- Sensors and Sensor Networks.- Industrial Intelligent Robots.- Modeling and Software for Automation.- Real-Time Autonomic Automation.- Automation Under Service-Oriented Grids.- Human Factors in Automation Design.- Collaborative Human–Automation Decision Making.- Teleoperation.- Distributed Agent Software for Automation.- Evolutionary Techniques for Automation.- Automating Errors and Conflicts Prognostics and Prevention.- Automation Design: Theory and Methods for Integration.- Process Automation.- Product Automation.- Service Automation.- Integrated Human and Automation Systems.- Machining Lines Automation.- Large-Scale Complex Systems.- Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Engineering, and Visualization.- Design Automation for Microelectronics.- Safety Warnings for Automation.- Automation Management.-Economic Rationalization of Automation Projects.- Quality of Service (Qo S) of Automation.- Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety.- Product Lifecycle Management and Embedded Information Devices.- Education and Qualification for Control and Automation.- Software Management.- Practical Automation Specification.- Automation and Ethics.- Industrial Automation.- Machine Tool Automation.- Digital Manufacturing and RFID-Based Automation.- Flexible and Precision Assembly.- Aircraft Manufacturing and Assembly.- Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation.- Nanomanufacturing Automation.- Production, Supply, Logistics and Distribution.- Material Handling Automation in Production and Warehouse Systems.- Industrial Communication Protocols.- Automation and Robotics in Mining and Mineral Processing.- Automation in the Wood and Paper Industry.- Welding Automation.- Automation in Food Processing.- Infrastructure and Service Automation.- Construction Automation.- The Smart Building.- Automation in Agriculture.- Control System for Automated Feed Plant.- Securing Electrical Power System Operation.- Vehicle and Road Automation.- Air Transportation System Automation.- Flight Deck Automation.- Space and Exploration Automation.- Cleaning Automation.- Automating Information and Technology Services.- Library Automation.- Automating Serious Games.- Automation in Sports and Entertainment.- Automation in Medical and Healthcare Systems.- Automatic Control in Systems Biology.- Automation and Control in Biomedical Systems.- Automation in Hospitals and Healthcare.- Medical Automation and Robotics.- Rotary Heart Assist Devices.- Medical Informatics.- Nanoelectronic-Based Detection for Biology and Medicine.- Computer and Robot-Assisted Medical Intervention.- Home, Office, and Enterprise Automation.- Automation in Home Appliances.- Service Robots and Automation for the Disabled/Limited.- Automation in Education/Learning Systems.- Enterprise Integration and Interoperability.- Decision Support Systems.- Collaborative e-Work, e-Business, and e-Service.- e-Commerce.- Business Process Automation.- Automation in Financial Services.- e-Government.- Collaborative Analytics for Astrophysics Explorations.- Automation Statistics.
Circa l’autore
Shimon Y. Nof is Professor of Industrial Engineering at Purdue University, since 1977, and Director of the NSF and industry funded PRISM Center for Production, Robotics, and Integration Software for Manufacturing & Management (established 1991) whose motto is: ‘Knowledge Through Information, Wisdom Through Collaboration’ and the PGRN, PRISM Global Research Network. He earned his BSc and MSc in Industrial Engineering & Management, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, specializing in human-machine systems; his Ph D in Industrial & Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, specializing in automation of facilities design; Dr. h.c. from the University of Sibiu, Romania.
He has over eight years of experience in full-time industrial and governmental positions, and has been a visiting professor at MIT and at universities in Chile, Europe, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, and Mexico. Currently, he is the President of IFPR, the International Foundation of Production Research, he served as IFPR Secretary General during 1993-2007; recent Chair, Coordinating Committee on Manufacturing and Logistics Systems (CC5) of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control. Professor Nof pioneered knowledge-based computer-aided facility design and control models, robot ergonomics, and collaborative control theory.
Professor Nof is the author, co-author and editor of ten books, including the Handbook of Industrial Robotics 1st and 2nd editions, the International Encyclopedia of Robotics, Information and Collaboration Models of Integration, and Industrial Assembly. In addition, he has published over 130 refereed journal articles and over 300 conference articles and book chapters. Among his honors, he is a Fellow of The Institute of Industrial Engineering, recipient of the Joseph Engelberger Award and Medal for Robotics Education, and Member of the Inaugural Book of Great Teachers of Purdue University. He is the editor of thenew Springer Book Series on ACES, Automation, Collaboration, and E-Services.