Autore: Sir Richard Francis Burton

Sir Richard Francis Burton, (19 March 1821 – 20 October 1890) was a British explorer, geographer, translator, writer, soldier, orientalist, cartographer, ethnologist, spy, linguist, poet, fencer, and diplomat. He was famed for his travels and explorations in Asia, Africa and the Americas, as well as his extraordinary knowledge of languages and cultures. According to one count, he spoke 29 European, Asian and African languages. (Wikipedia)

15 Ebook di Sir Richard Francis Burton

Sir Richard Francis Burton: The Collected Works of Sir Richard Francis Burton
This comprehensive e Book presents the complete works or all the significant works – the Œuvre – of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook – 18.350 pages easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • A …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments, now entituled The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 1
This volume and its successor (Nos. i. and ii.) contain Mr. John Payne’s Tales from the Arabic; his three tomes, being included in my two. The stories are taken from the Breslau Edition where they ar …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: A New System of Sword Exercise for Infantry
The author, Sir Richard Burton, was an irredeemable contrarian, which is one reason he was the adventurer and scholar he was. So he looked at the British Army doctrine for the management of the sword …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: Ultima Thule; vol. 2/2 / or A Summer in Iceland
Burton was an eccentric, very well-informed Victorian explorer, better known for his travels in Asia and Africa. This is his account of a three-month trip to Iceland in the summer of 1872. He had, of …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: Delphi Collected Works of Sir Richard Francis Burton (Illustrated)
Explorer, soldier, Orientalist, cartographer, spy, linguist, poet, fencer and diplomat, Sir Richard Francis Burton is famed for his travels and explorations in Asia, Africa and the Americas, as well …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: Vikram and the Vampire Or Tales of Hindu Devilry
‘The genius of Eastern nations, ‘ says an established and respectable authority, ‘was, from the earliest times, much turned towards invention and the love of fiction. The Indians, the Persians, and t …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah Vol I & Vol II
Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton’s 19th travelogue is simply fascinating. In disguise and (I’m assuming he’s accurate in this) at great risk to himself, Burton made a pilgrimage to Medina and Mecca …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: Vikram and the Vampire Classic Hindu Tales of Adventure, Magic, and Romance
Vikram and the Vampire, translated and adapted by Sir Richard Burton, is a group of tales told by a baital (not really a vampire but a kind of spirit who can inhabit dead bodies) to King Vikram (desc …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: First Footsteps in East Africa
Chock full of ethnographical information about the Muslims of Somalia, Richard Burton’s "First Footsteps in Africa" is a great look at a white man’s first forays into that area of the conti …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Vol I & Vol II
(Excerpt): "The notes which form the ground-work of these volumes have long been kept in the obscurity of manuscript: my studies of South America, of Syria and Palestine, of Iceland, and of Istr …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: To The Gold Coast for Gold A Personal Narrative Vol I & Vol II
(Excerpt): "Western Africa was the first field that supplied the precious metal to mediaeval Europe. The French claim to have imported it from Elmina as early as A.D. 1382. In 1442 Goncales Bald …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 3 [Supplement]
With Notes Anthropological And Explanatory Historically considered by Arabic scholars as a form of "low brow" literature and rarely regarded for its literary merits, The Arabian Nights, in …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: Wanderings in Three Continents
Highly readable tales recount the rip-roaring adventures of swashbuckling pirates and buccaneers of the Spanish Main. Includes "The Ghost of Captain Brand, " "Tom Chist and the Treasur …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: Goa and the Blue Mountains, or, Six Months of Sick Leave
Goa and the Blue Mountains, or, Six Months of Sick Leave is a travelogue written by Sir Richard Francis Burton, a British explorer and writer. The book details Burton’s journey through the Portuguese …
Sir Richard Francis Burton: Wanderings in Three Continents
"Wanderings in Three Continents" is a posthumously published travel book that gives a vivid account of the notable journeys undertaken via Sir Richard Burton. The book covers the duration f …