Circa l’autore
Sixto Romero Sánchez is a past Vice President and current member of the International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Education (CIEAEM) a...
Circa l’autore
Sixto Romero Sánchez is a past Vice President and current member of the International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Education (CIEAEM) and the president of the Iberio-American Academy of La Rabida. He is the Editor in Chief of Review MSEL (Modeling in Science Education and Learning) and a member of the Advisory Council of the Union Magazine -FISEM-Ibero-American Federation of Mathematics Teachers Societies.
Ana Serradó Bayés is currently the Vice President of the International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Education (CIEAEM), Vice President of the Education Commission of the Royal Spanish Mathematics Society (RSME) and a member of the Education Commission of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). She has an extensive record of publications in mathematics teacher professional development, statistics education, evaluation instruments, reading in mathematics classrooms, and technology integration in mathematics education.
Peter Appelbaum is a past Vice President of the International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Education (CIEAEM) and Director of the Youth Mathematician Laureate Project. He has an extensive record of publications in curriculum theory, post-colonial and critical ethnomathematics education, and creative approaches to teaching and learning mathematics including, Embracing Mathematics: On Becoming a Teacher and Changing with Mathematics (Routledge, 2007), and Popular Culture, Educational Discourse, and Mathematics (SUNY Press, 1995).
Gilles Aldon is the current President of the International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Education (CIEAEM), past Director of the Educ Tice interdisciplinary research team working on the use of technology in education, and former Assistant Director of IREM of Lyon (Research Institute on Mathematics Education). He is a faculty member in mathematics and mathematics education in the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, and has an extensive publication history on the uses of technology in mathematics education, assessment, and augmented reality in education. Professor Aldon is one of the editors of Mathematics and Technology: A C.I.E.A.E.M. Sourcebook (Springer, 2017).