Lynn Gaspard is the publisher of Middle-East specialist press Saqi Books. Shortlisted for the Independent Publishers Guild Young Publisher of the Year Award in 2013, Gaspard is a trustee of the Shubbak Festival and sits on the English PEN Writers in Translation Committee.
10 Ebook di Sjon
Lynn Gaspard: Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic
A Sunday Times Best Humour Book of the Year 2017 How can you tell if your neighbour is speaking Muslim? Is a mosque a kind of hedgehog? Can I get fries with that burka? You can’t trust the media any …
Various Authors: The Dark Blue Winter Overcoat
The best fiction from across the Nordic region, selected and introduced by Sjón – Iceland’s internationally renowned writer The North: home of epic storytelling, birthplace of the saga, where stories …
Sjón: Das Gleißen der Nacht
Im Winter bläst der Nordwind eisig über die Lavafelsen. Es herrscht Dunkelheit, als ob das Ende der Welt naht. Im Sommer sind die Nächte hell wie der Tag, und die Hügel duften am Morgen nach taufeuch …
Sjón: Der Junge, den es nicht gab
BJÖRK »Niemand verbindet Herz und Verstand poetischer als SJÓN.« Island 1918: Die Spanische Grippe versehrt das Land, Vulkan Katla verdunkelt den Himmel und Island erhält endlich seine Unabhängigkeit …
Sjón: Vulpea albastră
Anul 1883, Islanda. Cu puțin timp înaintea nopții polare, un bărbat, pastorul Baldur Skuggason, este atras ca prin farmec de o vulpe albastră în pustietatea înghețată. Destinul său se va intersecta c …
Sjón: CoDex 1962
Liebesgeschichte – Kriminalgeschichte – Science-Fiction. In seiner Trilogie »Co Dex 1962« zieht der Isländer Sjón alle erzählerischen Register. Kurz vor Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs begegnen sich in e …
Sjón: Plava lisica
Godina je 1883. U pozadini radnje surov je islandski krajolik. Pratimo svećenika Baldura Skuggasona u lovu na misterioznu plavu lisicu. Potom ulazimo u svijet botaničara Fri?rika Fri?jónssona i njego …
Robert Eggers: Northman
The Northman: A Call to the Gods is the official look at how this epic Viking revenge thriller was conceived, written, cast, and produced by acclaimed director Robert Eggers. Set against the ruthless …
Sjón: Mjesečev kamen
Godina je 1918. Završio je Prvi svjetski rat, Island je stekao nezavisnost, a putničkim brodom iz Danske u ovu otočnu zemlju stigla je španjolska gripa. Velika erupcija vulkana Katla izazvala je mikr …
Sjon: From the Mouth of the Whale
From the Mouth of the Whale is an Icelandic saga for the modern age. The year is 1635. Iceland is a world darkened by superstition, poverty, and cruelty. Men of science marvel over a unicorn’s horn, …