Autore: Solveig Lena Hansen

Solveig Lena Hansen, born in 1984, is a lecturer for ethics at the University of Bremen, Faculty 11 (Human and Health Sciences). Previously, she was a research associate at the University Medical Center Göttingen. After an MA in Comparative Literature, she did her Ph D in Bioethics at the University of Göttingen in 2016. Her ethical research focusses on organ transplantation, health communication, and obesity. She also specializes in the field of medical/health humanities, analyzing the negotiation of bioethical issues in literature and film. Silke Schicktanz, born in 1970, is full-professor at the Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine at the University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany. Her research focuses on the cultural and ethical study of biomedicine. She has lead many international cooperations and was visiting researcher at UC Berkeley, San Francisco State University, Tel Aviv University, JNU Delhi, Montreal Université and University of Lancaster.

3 Ebook di Solveig Lena Hansen

Solveig Lena Hansen & Silke Schicktanz: Ethical Challenges of Organ Transplantation
This collection features comprehensive overviews of the various ethical challenges in organ transplantation. International readings well-grounded in the latest developments in the life sciences are …
Sieglinde Grimm & Berbeli Wanning: Kulturökologie und Literaturdidaktik
In order to prepare the next generation for the future, a functional understanding of education is no longer enough. For personal development, literature teaching today must convey …
Liony Bauer & De-Valera N.Y.M. Botchway: On the Correlation of Center and Periphery
The analysis of the relationship between center and periphery is one of many theoretical approaches found in all fields of the Humanities. Looking at this special relationship from several …