Dr. Gerald Islebe, Ph D University of Amsterdam, more than 70 papers on paleoecology and tropical plant ecology. 16 years of experience in the Yucatan Peninsula. Highest level in the Mexican National System of Researchers (N3). Dr. Sophie Calmé, Ph D Laval University, more than 40 scientific papers on animal ecology and conservation, and plant ecophysiology; 5 books, 3 of them as editor. 15 years of experience in the Yucatan Peninsula. Member of the Mexican National System of Researchers. Dr. Jorge L. León-Cortés, Ph D University of Leeds, more than 40 scientific papers on insect ecology and biodiversity. Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences and Member of the National System of Researchers. Dr. Birgit Schmook, Ph D Clark University, more than 40 scientific papers on human migration, ecology, environment and changes in land use. 20 years of experience in the Yucatan Peninsula. Member of the Mexican National System of Researchers.
2 Ebook di Sophie Calmé
Gerald Alexander Islebe & Sophie Calmé: Biodiversity and Conservation of the Yucatán Peninsula
This book provides information relevant for the conservation of biodiversity and the sound management of the coastal and forest ecosystems of the Yucatan Peninsula in the face of global change. Vario …
Paula Enríquez Rocha & Julio Coutiño Molina: Zopilotes
Los zopilotes ameritan ser el número uno de una colección acerca de animales incomprendidos; su aspecto y forma de alimentarse no los hacen muy atractivos. Esta ‘biografía’ emprende la tarea de ofrec …