Autore: Stanislaw Jedrzejewski

Stanislaw Jędrzejewski (Ph.D.) is professor in the Social Science Department at Kozminski University in Warsaw. He is the author of numerous articles and reports on radio and new media. Recently he has published the book Public R@dio in Europe: Content-funding-technology-audiences (Warsaw, 2015). He has been a member of the board of the public broadcaster Polish Radio (1994–98) and Chairman of Supervisory Board of public radio in Poland (2011–14). He worked at the Communication and Society Research Centre at University of Minho, Braga, Portugal 2009–11.

1 Ebook di Stanislaw Jedrzejewski

Angeliki Gazi & Guy Starkey: Radio Content in the Digital Age
The traditional radio medium has seen significant changes in recent years as part of the current global shift toward multimedia content, with both digital and FM making significant use of new technol …