Dr Stefano Boriani is Director of Department of Oncologic and Degenerative Spine Surgery at Rizzoli Institute (IOR), Bologna, Italy. After his first specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology he became responsible of sub-unit of Oncologic Spine Surgery in the Department of Bone Tumor Surgery. His most important surgical and scientific interest concerns diagnosis and treatment of spine tumors. Other field of activity and research are: spine fractures, post-traumatic deformities, mini-invasive approaches.
6 Ebook di Stefano Boriani
Stefano Boriani & Livio Presutti: Atlas of Craniocervical Junction and Cervical Spine Surgery
This atlas documents current surgical approaches to the craniocervical junction and the cervical spine, providing step-by-step guidance on procedures and cervical spine stabilization techniques. Open …
Stefano Boriani & Francesco Ruggieri: Anatomical Exposures and Surgical Approaches to the Limbs Anatomische Darstellungen und Zugangswege in der Chirurgie der Extremitaten
Our decision to dedicate several years to the writing of this Atlas was based on the professional acknowledgement of negative surgical results due to incorrect or incomplete approaches to the bones o …
AOSpine Masters Series, Volume 1: Metastatic Spinal Tumors
A focused guide from the world’s experts on metastatic spine tumors’ This first volume in the AOSpine Masters Series integrates the expertise of oncologists and radiology interventionalists with that …
AOSpine Masters Series, Volume 2: Primary Spinal Tumors
An evidence-based guide to managing primary tumors of the spine’ This second volume in the AOSpine Masters Series balances critical appraisal of current evidence in spine oncology with the opinions o …
AOSpine Masters Series, Volume 1: Metastatic Spinal Tumors
A focused guide from the world’s experts on metastatic spine tumors’ This first volume in the AOSpine Masters Series integrates the expertise of oncologists and radiology interventionalists with that …
AOSpine Masters Series, Volume 2: Primary Spinal Tumors
An evidence-based guide to managing primary tumors of the spine’ This second volume in the AOSpine Masters Series balances critical appraisal of current evidence in spine oncology with the opinions o …