Stefano Montaldo is Lecturer at the University of Turin.
3 Ebook di Stefano Montaldo
Marin Luisa Marin & Montaldo Stefano Montaldo: Fight Against Impunity in EU Law
The fight against impunity is an increasingly central concept in EU law-making and adjudication. What is the meaning and the scope of impunity as a legal concept in the EU legal order? How does the f …
Francesco Costamagna & Alberto Miglio: EU Law Enforcement
The existence of a structured enforcement system is an inherent feature of national legal orders and one of the core elements of State sovereignty. The very limited power to issue sanctions has often …
Francesco Costamagna & Alberto Miglio: EU Law Enforcement
The existence of a structured enforcement system is an inherent feature of national legal orders and one of the core elements of State sovereignty. The very limited power to issue sanctions has often …