Stephen J. Caldas is professor of educational foundations and leadership at the University of LouisianaâLafayette. He has co-authored three previous books (with Carl L. Bankston III) including the just published book Forced to Fail: The Paradox of School Desegregation (published by Praeger in 2005), and A Troubled Dream: The Promise and Failure of School Desegregation in Louisiana (2002, Vanderbilt University Press). His research interests include psycholinguistics, socio/psychometrics, desegregation and the social/political contexts of education.
4 Ebook di Stephen J. Caldas
Carl L. Bankston & Stephen J. Caldas: Controls and Choices
Many activists and writers have ascribed continuing racial segregation in American schools to a failure of will. In this view, forced transfers of students and other aggressive judicially mandated po …
III Carl L. Bankston III & Caldas Stephen J. Caldas: Forced to Fail
Caldas and Bankston provide a critical, dispassionate analysis of why desegregation in the United States has failed to achieve the goal of providing equal educational opportunities for all students. …
Stephen J Caldas: Raising Bilingual-Biliterate Children in Monolingual Cultures
This book is a case study carefully detailing the French/English bilingual and biliterate development of three children in one family beginning with their births and ending in late adolescence. The a …
Stephen J. Caldas & Carl L. Bankston: A Troubled Dream
Fifty years after Brown v. Board of Education, the United States still has a long way to go to attain true integration of our educational system. Using extensive interviews and a wealth of statistica …