Autore: Steve Rich

Steve Rich taught middle- and elementary-school science for 15 years prior to becoming coordinator of the Youth Science and Technology Center at the University of West Georgia. A native of Savannah, Georgia, he holds a bachelor of science degree in agriculture from the University of Georgia and a master”s degree in communication from Georgia State University. Steve holds National Board Certification in early adolescence science, and he is a past recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching. He has served as an elected leader in the National Science Teachers Association and was president of the Georgia Science Teachers Association. Steve has authored several educational resource books for students and teachers.

2 Ebook di Steve Rich

Steve Rich: Theatremonkey
Based on, this indispensable guide has everything you need to enjoy the best of London’s West End, based on the opinions of thousands of theatregoers. Including complete seating pla …
Steve Rich: Just the Facts: Life Science, Grades 4 – 6
Engage scientists in grades 4-6 and prepare them for standardized tests using Just the Facts: Life Science. This 128-page book covers concepts including cells, classifications, simple life forms, the …