Autore: Steven B. Herrmann

STEVEN HERRMANN”S writing is recognized nationally and internationally. He has published over thirty papers and two books, William Everson: The Shaman”s Call (2009) and Walt Whitman: Shamanism, Spiritual Democracy, and the World Soul (2010). He has taught on the subjects of Whitman and Melville at the C. G. Jung Institutes of San Francisco, Chicago, and Zurich, as well as at the Washington Friends of Walt Whitman, UC Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz. Herrmann”s expertise in Jungian Literary Criticism makes him one of the seminal thinkers in the international field, and a foremost authority on Whitman and Melville in post-Jungian studies. Herrmann, a poet and Jungian psychotherapist, has a clinical practice in Oakland, California.

1 Ebook di Steven B. Herrmann

Steven B. Herrmann: Spiritual Democracy