Autore: Sue Bredekamp

A range of early childhood experts will be key contributors including the following:  NAEYC Volume Editor:  Susan Friedman is senior director of publishing and content development at NAEYC. In this role, she leads the content development work of NAEYC’s books and periodicals teams. Ms. Friedman is coeditor of Each and Every Child: Teaching Preschool with an Equity Lens. She has extensive prior experience creating content on play, developmentally appropriate uses of media, and other topics for educators and families. She began her career as a preschool teacher at City and Country School in New York City. She holds degrees from Vassar College and the Harvard Graduate School of Education.  Volume Editors and Contributing Editors:  Sue Bredekamp, Ph D, is an early childhood education consultant on developmentally appropriate practice, curriculum, teaching, and professional development. She coedited NAEYC’s 1986, 1997, and 2009 editions of Developmentally Appropriate Practice, and she developed and directed NAEYC’s accreditation system for early childhood programs. Dr. Bredekamp is the author of an introductory teacher education textbook,  Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education: Building a Foundation, Third Edition (Pearson, 2016).  Marie Masterson, Ph D, is director of quality assessment at the Mc Cormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. She is a licensed teacher, national speaker, and author of many books and articles that address research-based, practical skills for high-quality teaching, children’s development and behavior in cultural contexts, family engagement, and family child care. Dr. Masterson provides content expertise and consultation to organizations and systems involved in quality improvement and leadership development.  Barbara Willer, Ph D, retired from NAEYC after 35 years of service and leadership. During her tenure, Dr. Willer led many substantive projects to further NAEYC’s mission. The capstone efforts of her contributions to NAEYC and the field were leading the development of the position statements “Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education” (2019) and “Developmentally Appropriate Practice” (2020). Brian L. Wright, Ph D, is associate professor and coordinator of the early childhood education program as well as coordinator of the middle school cohort of the African American Male Academy at the University of Memphis. Dr. Wright is author of The Brilliance of Black Boys: Cultivating School Success in the Early Grades, with contributions by Shelly L. Counsell, which won the National Association for Multicultural Education’s 2018 Phillip C. Chinn Book Award.

4 Ebook di Sue Bredekamp

Herbert Ginsburg & Marilou Hyson: Preparing Early Childhood Educators to Teach Math
With 30+ video clipsgreat for use in teacher training sessions! If youre preparing early childhood educators for the critical task of teaching math, this groundbreaking resource is just what you need …
Herbert Ginsburg & Marilou Hyson: Preparing Early Childhood Educators to Teach Math
With 30+ video clipsgreat for use in teacher training sessions! If youre preparing early childhood educators for the critical task of teaching math, this groundbreaking resource is just what you need …
Susan Friedman & Brian L Wright: Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth Through Age 8, Fourth Edition (Fully Revised and Updated)
Clear, Relevant, Evidence-Based Guidance to Support Early Childhood Educators  Academic’s Choice Awards Smart Book Winner . Developmentally appropriate practice is the foundation on which q …
Committee on a New Vision for High Quality Pre-K Curriculum & Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education: New Vision for High-Quality Preschool Curriculum
A high-quality preschool education can foster critical development and learning that promotes joyful, affirming, and enriching learning opportunities that prepare children for success in school and l …