Autore: Sylvia Tascher

Sylvia Tascher, (deceased July 4, 2009) was able to write with authority on The Bear Hug’s diversified subject matter. During 1979-81, while her husband, a nuclear scientist, was in the employ of the International Atomic Energy Agency, she was engaged with the United Nations International Development Organization in Vienna, Austria, during which time she became self educated in Communist doctrine. Through her husband’s association with prominent nuclear scientists and her own activities with UNIDO, she had countless opportunities to candidly discuss many subjects with Soviet scientists, including the growing threat of nuclear disaster. Additionally, because of her close friendship with a Russian national and herself the victim of attempted subornation, she was able to describe with accurate detail the nightmarish episodes depicted in The Bear Hug. Her talent for creative writing was inherited from her parents, both of whom were respected authors. Before her passing, she had written many musical scores and several books for children, as well as The Bare Essentials, published by Xlibris.

3 Ebook di Sylvia Tascher

Sylvia Tascher: Bare Essentials
This epic drama opens in Boulder, Colorado, at the home of Oxford-educated Robert Dalton, an internationally known chemistry professor. His houseguest is Jozef Bardowski, head of the analytical labor …
James D. Navratil & Sylvia Tascher: The Final Bear Hug
The Final Bear Hug is a continuation of the story in The Bear Hug. The story begins with John James Czermak and his wife, Margrit, returning to their home in Arvada, Colorado, after spending almost t …
Sylvia Tascher & James D. Navratil: Bare Essentials
This epic drama opens in Boulder, Colorado, at the home of Oxford-educated Robert Dalton, an internationally known chemistry professor. His houseguest is Jozef Bardowski, head of the analytical labor …