Autore: T. Poongodi

Prof Dr. R. Lakshmana Kumar is the head  for centre  of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu. He is also working as an offshore Director –R&D(AI) in ASIQC , New Columbia, Canada. He is the founding member of IEEE SIG of Big Data for Cyber Security and Privacy, IEEE . He serves as a core member in the editorial board of Cambridge Scholars Publishing – UK , Trends in Renewable Energy Journal -USA , Frontiers in Communications and Networks- Switzerland . He is a global chapter Lead for MLCS [Machine Learning for Cyber Security]..He is currently allied with company specific training of Infosys Campus Connect, Oracle WDP and Palo Alto networks. He himself involves in research and expertise in Fog computing and Blockchain technologies. In addition to that he is a lead guest editor for the journals like Int. J. of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (Indexed-Scopus (Elsevier) & more) in Inderscience, International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (Indexed- Web of Science, Scopus (Elsevier), ESCI & more) in IGI Global, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (Indexed-SCI, Scopus& more), Open Computer Science (Indexed- Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus & more), IGI [International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS)] (Indexed- Web of Science, Scopus (Elsevier), ESCI &more), Inderscience – International Journal of Data Science (IJDS), IGI – International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS). He is a Book Series Editor in, “Advances in Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Sciences for Industrial Transformation Series”, CRC Press. He is acting as a vibrant reviewer for the journals like”  IEEE Internet of Things Journal” , “IEEE Access ”, “Transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies”, “International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR). He holds the privileged Gold level partnership award from Infosys, India for bridging the gap between industry and academia in 2017. He holds the privileged Silver level partnership award from Infosys, India for bridging the gap between industry and academia in 2016. As part of his professional career, he has around 40+ publications in international journals and conferences. He holds five edited books from Taylor and Francis , Elsevier and Scrivener Publishing. He has around 20 patents. He holds the certification in Data Science from John Hopkins University, United States. He is also an Amazon Cloud Architect  and ACM distinguished speaker.   Prof Yichuan Wang is an Associate Professor of Digital Marketing at the Sheffield University Management School, University of Sheffield, UK. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Business & Information System from the Raymond J. Harbert College of Business, Auburn University, USA. His research interests focus on examining the role of digital technologies and information systems in influencing business practices. He has published over 80 papers on the journals such as International Journal of Operations and Production Management, British Journal of Management, Information & Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, IEEE Network, various IEEE TRANSACTIONS, International Journal of Production Economics and conference proceedings. He has edited several special issues on digitalization related topics in journals (e.g., Information Systems Frontiers, Information Technology & People, and Journal of Business Research). He sits in the editorial board of Enterprise Information System and International Journal of Consumer Studies   Prof T. Poongodi is working as an Associate Professor, in School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, NCR Delhi, India. She has completed Ph. D in Information Technology (Information and Communication Engineering) from Anna University, Tamil Nadu, India. Her main thrust research areas are Big Data, Internet of Things, Ad-hoc networks, Network Security and Cloud computing. She is pioneer researcher in the areas of Bigdata, Wireless network, Internet of Things and has published more than 25 papers in various international journals. She has presented paper in National/International Conferences, published book chapters in CRC Press, IGI global, Springer, and edited books.   Prof Agbotiname Lucky Imoize is a Wireless Communications Researcher. He was a Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar at Virginia Tech., USA, and he is currently a DAAD Research Scholar in Germany. He is a Faculty member at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Lagos, Nigeria. He was formerly a Core Network Engineer with ZTE Nigeria Limited, and a Network Switching Subsystems Engineer with Globacom Nigeria Limited. He haspublished over 30 wireless communications related papers in peer review Journals, and his area of interests are in radio propagation measurements and channel modeling,   energy efficient wireless communications systems, and 5G & beyond 5G cellular networks.

26 Ebook di T. Poongodi

Alagan Anpalagan & Firoz Khan: Securing IoT and Big Data
This book covers Io T and Big Data from a technical and business point of view. The book explains the design principles, algorithms, technical knowledge, and marketing for Io T systems. It emphasizes …
Alagan Anpalagan & Firoz Khan: Securing IoT and Big Data
This book covers Io T and Big Data from a technical and business point of view. The book explains the design principles, algorithms, technical knowledge, and marketing for Io T systems. It emphasizes …
Balamurugan Balusamy & Naveen Chilamkurti: Blockchain, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence
Blockchain, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence provides an integrated overview and technical description of the fundamental concepts of blockchain, Io T, and AI technologies. State-of-th …
Balamurugan Balusamy & Naveen Chilamkurti: Blockchain, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence
Blockchain, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence provides an integrated overview and technical description of the fundamental concepts of blockchain, Io T, and AI technologies. State-of-th …
Balamurugan Balusamy & Himani Bansal: Machine Learning and Analytics in Healthcare Systems
This book provides applications of machine learning in healthcare systems and seeks to close the gap between engineering and medicine. It will combine the design and problem-solving skills of enginee …
Balamurugan Balusamy & Himani Bansal: Machine Learning and Analytics in Healthcare Systems
This book provides applications of machine learning in healthcare systems and seeks to close the gap between engineering and medicine. It will combine the design and problem-solving skills of enginee …
Balamurugan Balusamy & Bansal Himani: Convergence of Blockchain Technology and E-Business
The purpose of this edited book is to provide the relevant technologies and case studies in a concise format that will simplify and streamline the processing of blockchain. The goal is for the conten …
Balamurugan Balusamy & Bansal Himani: Convergence of Blockchain Technology and E-Business
The purpose of this edited book is to provide the relevant technologies and case studies in a concise format that will simplify and streamline the processing of blockchain. The goal is for the conten …
R.Lakshmana Kumar & Yichuan Wang: Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology
This book explores the concepts and techniques of Io T, AI, and blockchain. Also discussed is the possibility of applying blockchain for providing security in various domains. The specific highlight …
Balamurugan Balusamy & Manju Khari: Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics
This book comprehensively conveys the theoretical and practical aspects of Io T and big data analytics with the solid contributions from practitioners as well as academicians. This book examines and …
Balamurugan Balusamy & Manju Khari: Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics
This book comprehensively conveys the theoretical and practical aspects of Io T and big data analytics with the solid contributions from practitioners as well as academicians. This book examines and …
T. Poongodi & D. Sumathi: Digitization of Healthcare Data using Blockchain
DIGITIZATION OF HEALTHCARE DATA USING BLOCKCHAIN The book gives a detailed description of the integration of blockchain technology for Electronic Health Records and provides the research challenges t …
T. Poongodi & D. Sumathi: Digitization of Healthcare Data using Blockchain
DIGITIZATION OF HEALTHCARE DATA USING BLOCKCHAIN The book gives a detailed description of the integration of blockchain technology for Electronic Health Records and provides the research challenges t …
D. Sumathi & T. Poongodi: Cognitive Intelligence and Big Data in Healthcare
COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE AND BIG DATA IN HEALTHCARE Applications of cognitive intelligence, advanced communication, and computational methods can drive healthcare research and enhance existing traditio …
D. Sumathi & T. Poongodi: Cognitive Intelligence and Big Data in Healthcare
COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE AND BIG DATA IN HEALTHCARE Applications of cognitive intelligence, advanced communication, and computational methods can drive healthcare research and enhance existing traditio …
Agbotiname Lucky Imoize & Sardar M. N. Islam: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Cellular Communications
The book discusses how Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can leverage the sub-6 GHz massive MIMO to address cell selection and interference issues in future wireless networks. The book takes a close lo …
B Balamurugan & T Poongodi: Big Data Analytics in Smart Manufacturing
The significant objective of this edited book is to bridge the gap between smart manufacturing and big data by exploring the challenges and limitations. Companies employ big data technology in the ma …
B Balamurugan & T Poongodi: Big Data Analytics in Smart Manufacturing
The significant objective of this edited book is to bridge the gap between smart manufacturing and big data by exploring the challenges and limitations. Companies employ big data technology in the ma …
B Balamurugan & S Karthikeyan: Convergence of Blockchain, AI and IoT
Convergence of Blockchain, AI and Io T: A Digital Platform discusses the convergence of three powerful technologies that play into the digital revolution and blur the lines between biological, digita …
B Balamurugan & S Karthikeyan: Convergence of Blockchain, AI and IoT
Convergence of Blockchain, AI and Io T: A Digital Platform discusses the convergence of three powerful technologies that play into the digital revolution and blur the lines between biological, digita …
Balamurugan Balusamy & Naga Swetha Pasupuleti: Smart Mobility and Intelligent Transportation Systems for Commercial and Hazardous Vehicles
This new volume considers the use of smart technologies in commercial and hazardous vehicles, looking at the challenges and solutions to transportation issues that can be solved with such intelligent …
Balamurugan Balusamy & Naga Swetha Pasupuleti: Smart Mobility and Intelligent Transportation Systems for Commercial and Hazardous Vehicles
This new volume considers the use of smart technologies in commercial and hazardous vehicles, looking at the challenges and solutions to transportation issues that can be solved with such intelligent …
M Akila & S Karthikeyan: Quantum Machine Learning
This book presents the research into and application of machine learning in quantum computation, known as quantum machine learning (QML). It presents a comparison of quantum machine learning, classic …
M Akila & S Karthikeyan: Quantum Machine Learning
This book presents the research into and application of machine learning in quantum computation, known as quantum machine learning (QML). It presents a comparison of quantum machine learning, classic …
Shrddha Sagar & T. Poongodi: Cyber Physical Energy Systems
This book is essential for understanding the transformative integration of cyber-physical systems in smart grids, providing valuable insights that will shape the future of sustainable energy producti …
Shrddha Sagar & T. Poongodi: Cyber Physical Energy Systems
This book is essential for understanding the transformative integration of cyber-physical systems in smart grids, providing valuable insights that will shape the future of sustainable energy producti …