Takao Saito, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka University
John H. Stone, Massachusetts General Hospital
Hitoshi Nakashima, Division of Nephrology & Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Fukuoka University
Takako Saeki, Department of Internal Medicine, Nagaoka Red Cross Hospital
Mitsuhiro Kawano, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kanazawa University
1 Ebook di Takao Saito
Takao Saito & John H. Stone: IgG4-Related Kidney Disease
This book offers a detailed review of the pathological and imaging features, diagnosis and treatment of Ig G4-Related Kidney Disease (Ig G4-RKD). Ig G4-related disease (Ig G4-RD), which is characteri …