Tammy Plotner lives in Ohio. She is a successful freelance writer, non-professional astronomy educator, advanced amateur astronomer, and lecturer. She is currently President and director of Outreach Education and Programs at Warren Rupp Observatory, and webmaster, team member and Astronomy Outreach coordinator for the Astronomical League.
3 Ebook di Tammy Plotner
Tammy Plotner: The Night Sky Companion
Thebookyouareholdinginyourhandsisoneofthebestlearningandoutreach tools you could want for your collection. The Night Sky Companion is full of informationaboutastronomy.Thinkofhowmanytimesyouhavewalke …
Tammy Plotner: The Night Sky Companion
T. Plotner, The Night Sky Companion, DOI 10. 1007/978-0-387-79509-6_1, 1 Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2009 2 The Night Sky Companion Welcome, fellowtravelertothestars!Forthenextyearwewilltake …
Tammy Plotner: Moonwalk with Your Eyes
Of all the many things we can look at in the night sky, the Moon is one of the richest in its ever-changing detail, as changes in light and shadow daily transform what you can see of every feature. W …