The Sirian Revelations is a trilogy of classic channeled teachings, delivered from the Speakers of the Sirian High Council, six-dimensional beings dedicated to the transformation of human consciousness, through their scribe, Patricia Cori, since 1997.
In this controversial book, Book Two of the trilogy, she provides insights into the lost culture of Atlantis – a highly developed civilization and a parallel to our current world situation of secret government conspiracies, Earth changes and extraterrestrial intervention in our affairs. Atlantis Rising describes the unrecorded history of humanity, explaining how and why the great Atlantean civilization was overtaken by an alien culture that formed the first Secret Government, and how Earth is currently being manipulated by methods and technologies that are frighteningly similar to those used against our Atlantean ancestors. By embracing and recognizing what Atlantis can teach us, says Cori, we can heal and uplift our own increasingly threatened civilization.
Circa l’autore
Patricia Cori is considered a luminary of these times, one whose work is embraced worldwide for its dedication to challenging the status quo and opening new vistas on human awareness. Patricia has been recognized and celebrated as a gifted shaman by indigenous spirit teachers of the Tibetan, Mayan and Peruvian traditions and has been embraced by the shamans of Palenque as one of the four spirit guardians of that sacred site. Her books, the classic trilogy The Sirian Revelations and an impressive collection of additional works across the years have enjoyed worldwide acclaim as wake-up call material for the expanding consciousness of humankind, tools for empowerment and guidance. Her most recent of these, The New Sirian Revelations, is her best-selling to date! They are considered ‘must have’ reading for a global audience of seekers.