Effi Briest Theodor Fontane – Nach einer behüteten Kindheit heiratet die 17jährige Effi, dem Willen ihrer Eltern entsprechend, den fast 20 Jahre älteren Baron von Innstetten, ein Jugendfreund ihrer Mutter, dem sie nach Kessin, einem kleinen Ort an der Ostsee folgt. In dem etwas unheimlich anmutenden Haus des Barons vereinsamt die junge, phantasievolle und lebhafte Effi, der es schwerfällt, in ihrer neuen Heimat Anschluß zu finden. Auch die Geburt ihrer Tochter kann sie nicht über ihre innere Vereinsamung hinwegtäuschen. Viel von ihrem Mann alleingelassen, geht Effi, der die Lüge eigentlich zuwider ist, fast gegen ihren Willen eine Liebesbeziehung zu dem neuen Bezirkskommandanten Crampas ein, der sie zuvor lange vergeblich umworben hatte. Diese eher leidenschaftslose Beziehung ist zu Effis Erleichterung beendet, als ihr Mann nach Berlin versetzt wird. Die Zeit in Berlin gestaltet sich harmonisch – bis Innstetten durch Zufall Briefe findet, die Crampas während der Kessiner Zeit an Effi geschrieben hatte.
Circa l’autore
Theodor Fontane, novelist, critic, poet, and travel writer, was one of the most celebrated nineteenth-century German men of letters. He was born into a French Huguenot family in the Prussian town of Neuruppin, where his father owned a small pharmacy. His fathers gambling debts forced the family to move repeatedly, and eventually his temperamentally mismatched parents separated. Though Fontane showed early interest in history and literaturejotting down stories in his school notebookshe could not afford to attend university; instead he apprenticed as a pharmacist and eventually settled in Berlin. There he joined the influential literary society Tunnel über der Spree, which included among its members Theodor Storm and Gottfried Keller, and turned to writing. In 1850 Fontanes first published books, two volumes of ballads, appeared; they would prove to be his most successful books during his lifetime. He spent the next four decades working as a critic, journalist, and war correspondent while producing some fifty works of history, travel narrative, and fiction. His early novels, the first of which was published in 1878, when Fontane was nearly sixty, concerned recent historical events. It was not until the late 1880s that he turned to his great novels of modern society, remarkable for their psychological insight: Trials and Tribulations (1888), Irretrievable (1891), Frau Jenny Treibel (1892), and Effi Briest (1895). During his last years, Fontane returned to writing poetry, and, while recovering from a severe illness, wrote an autobiographical novel that would prove to be a late commercial success. He is buried in the French section of the Friedhof II cemetery in Berlin.