Tabella dei contenuti
Preface for the First Edition
Preface for the Revised Edition
PART 1: Sovereignty
1 Thomas Hobbes, ‘Leviathan’
2 Charles R. Beitz, ‘A State of Nature’
3 Thomas W. Pogge, ‘Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty’
PART 2: Rights to Self-determination
4 Avishai Margalit & Joseph Raz, ‘National Self-Determination’
5 Allen Buchanan, ‘Theories of Secession’
PART 3: Human Rights
6 UN, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
7 Leif Wenar, ‘The Nature of Rights’
8 James W. Nickel, ‘Making Sense of Human Rights’
9 Peter Jones, ‘Group Rights and Group Oppression’
10 David Sussman, ‘What’s Wrong with Torture?’
Part 4: Nationalism and Patriotism
11 Martha C. Nussbaum, ‘Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism’
12 Richard W. Miller, ‘Cosmopolitan Respect and Patriotic Concern’
Part 5: Cosmopolitanism
13 Immanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace
14 Pauline Kleingeld, ‘Kantian Patriotism’
15 Simon Caney, ‘Cosmopolitan Justice and Equalizing Opportunities’
16 Thom Brooks, ‘Philosophy Unbound’
Part 6: Immigration and Citizenship
17 David Miller, ‘Immigrants, Nations, and Citizenship’
18 Michael Blake, ‘Immigration, Jurisdiction and Exclusion’
19 Samuel Scheffler, ‘Immigration and the Significance of Culture’
Part 7: Global Poverty
20 Peter Singer, ‘Famine, Affluence, and Morality’
21 David Miller, ‘Distributing Responsibilities’
22 Thom Brooks, ‘Remedial Responsibilities beyond Nations’
23 Thomas Nagel, ‘The Problem of Global Justice’
24 Andreas Sangiovannni, ‘How Practices Matter’
25 Lea Ypi, Robert E. Goodin and Christian Barry, ‘Associative Duties, Global Justice and the Colonies’
Part 8: Just War
26 St Thomas Aquinas, ‘War, Sedition, and Killing’
27 John Stuart Mill, ‘A Few Words on Non-Intervention’
28 UN, Charter, Chapter VII
29 Thomas Nagel, ‘War and Massacre’
30 Jeff Mc Mahan, ‘Just Cause for War’
31 Seth Lazar, ‘Necessity in Self-defense and War’
Part 9 Terrorism
32 David Rodin, ‘Terrorism without Intention’
33 Saul Smilansky, ‘Terrorism, Justification, and Illusion’
Part 10 Women and Global Justice
34 Susan Moller Okin, ‘Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?’
35 Susan Moller Okin, ‘Poverty, Well-being and Gender’
36 Martha C. Nussbaum, ‘On hearing women’s voices’
Part 11 Climate Change
37 Stephen M Gardiner, ‘The Real Tragedy of the Commons’
38 Simon Caney, ‘Just Emissions’
39 Thom Brooks, ‘How Not to Save the Planet’