Autore: Thomas Lake

who is Tom Lake? Tom had always wanted to write a book of some sort, but did not know enough about any one subject to do so, Until making a discovery in the law about Income taxes, which he studied carefully for nearly 20 years, before he acted on what he discovered and learned, which brought on big legal troubles, that cost him nearly everything, his job, his home and nearly his family. Then he was challenged by his minister to prove he was not in violation of Romans 13 and similar scriptures. which he did, that was the foundational work for this book. Tom kept on studying nd reenforced this material over time. subsequently being challenged to make it a “polished book.” meantime his studies led him to more subjects for a few more books, which he had started. Tom plans to finish those and publish them as well.Tom had a hobby in electronics and made it his career, working on the phantom F4 aircraft in the military[Marine Corps], after the service he worked in the audio electronics field for 10 years 5 years each in professional audio and Consumer audio and 1 year as a design Engineer for a process control company, moving from there into the Aerospace field for 5 years. He worked on the guidance system for the MX missle.

1 Ebook di Thomas Lake

Thomas Lake: Romans 13 in a Constitutional Republic
This book is ABOUT re-evaluating how we look at Romans 13 in a Constitutional Republic Environment. Briefly, think a moment, Caesar was the reigning dictator. The United States does not have a dictat …