The community college is poised to contribute beyond its owncommunity to across the world. To do so–to advance the workfor the betterment of students and communities–it must engageinternationally while building capacity.
Recognizing the growing importance of educating students in aglobalized world, this volume explores the community college in aninternational context. It addresses global ideals, values, competencies, and understanding in a local context and shows:
* How individual community colleges have internationalized
* How models and partnerships can aid progression tocomprehensive internationalization
* How international systems consider adoption andadaptation.
The authors point to a crucial vision for the future:Globalization has moved the U.S. community college steadily frominternational education as an add-on to international education asa choice, and now to international education as a crucial, integrated mission that has drawn increased interest from othernations intent on an educated, skilled citizenry. The communitycollege is no longer about the United States; the community collegeis for all of us, a world phenomenon.
This is the 161st volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly reportseries. Essential to presidents, vice presidents, deans, andother leaders in today’s open-door institutions, New Directionsfor Community Colleges provides expert guidance in meeting thechallenges of their distinct and expanding educational mission.
Tabella dei contenuti
Tod Treat, Linda Serra Hagedorn
1. Resituating the Community College in a Global Context 5
Tod Treat, Linda Serra Hagedorn
2. Building Support for Internationalization Through Institutional Assessment and Leadership Engagement 11
Bonnie Bissonette, Shawn Woodin
3. International Students as a Resource for Achieving Comprehensive Internationalization 27
Michael Brennan, Donald A. Dellow
4. Internationalization and Faculty-Led Service Learning39
Geoffrey W. Bradshaw
5. Transforming International Education Through Institutional Capacity Building 55
Jack Bermingham, Margaret Ryan
6. Strategic Partnerships in International Development 71
Tod Treat, Mary Beth Hartenstine
7. The History and Future of Community Colleges in Vietnam85
Anh T. Le
8. Bringing Community Colleges to Tunisia 101
Linda Serra Hagedorn, Wafa Thabet Mezghani
9. U.S. Community Colleges and a Response to the Arab Spring113
John W. Shumaker
Circa l’autore
Tod Treat is the editor of The Community College in a Global Context: New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 161, 2nd Edition, published by Wiley.
Linda Serra Hagedorn is the editor of The Community College in a Global Context: New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 161, 2nd Edition, published by Wiley.