Autore: Tomasso Campanella

Statesman and philosopher Francis Bacon (1561–1626) was a towering figure of the English Renaissance best known as a champion of the empirical, inductive approach that forms the foundation of the modern scientific method. Bacon”s political career culminated in his appointment as Lord Chancellor. Dismissed from his post on charges of corruption, he retired from public life and devoted himself to study and writing. Dominican friar Tomasso Campanella (1568–1639) rejected Christian revelation and sought truth in reason and nature. An ardent defender of Galileo and his philosophy, Campanella was imprisoned and tortured by the Inquisition. During his 27 years of confinement, Campanella reverted to Roman Catholic orthodoxy and was ultimately freed by papal intervention.

2 Ebook di Tomasso Campanella

Francis Bacon & Tomasso Campanella: New Atlantis and The City of the Sun
In keeping with the inquisitive spirit of their times, two 17th-century writers envisioned their own philosophical and intellectual utopias. Tomasso Campanella, a Calabrian monk, published The City o …
Tomasso Campanella: Der Sonnenstaat
La città del Sole oder auch Civitas solis (deutsch ‘Sonnenstadt’) ist ein 1602 von dem Dominikaner Tommaso Campanella verfasstes und 1623 publiziertes Werk, das den wirtschaftlichen und politischen A …