Autore: Tuhin Ghosh

Dr. Sourav Das is a Researcher in the School of Oceanographic Studies at Jadavpur University, India. His research interests include biogeochemistry of marine and coastal water, ocean remote sensing, optical properties of water (inherent & apparent optical properties), and air quality monitoring. Prof. Tuhin Ghosh is Professor and Director of the School of Oceanographic Studies at Jadavpur University, India. He has more than two decades of research experience in coastal geomorphology, disaster management, climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and human migration.

4 Ebook di Tuhin Ghosh

Tuhin Ghosh & Anirban Mukhopadhyay: Natural Hazard Zonation of Bihar (India) Using Geoinformatics
With increased climate variability, aggravated natural hazards in the form of extreme events are affecting the lives and livelihoods of many people. This work serves as a basis for formulating a ‘pre …
Sourav Das & Tuhin Ghosh: Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of the East Coast of India
This book provides a comprehensive overview of recent research on estuaries of the east coast of India, and how changing biogeochemical dynamics as a result of climate change and human activity have …
Sourav Das & Abhra Chanda: Pond Ecosystems of the Indian Sundarbans
This book aims to give a holistic overview of the pond ecosystem of Indian Sundarbans. Due to climate change, the Indian Sundarbans faces several challenges. With rising sea levels, islands are disap …
Abhra Chanda & Sourav Das: Blue Carbon Dynamics of the Indian Ocean
This book gives an overview of various aspects of blue carbon dynamics from each country bordering the Indian Ocean. Given the importance of the topic of blue carbon, it can be assumed that in near f …