Dynamic Fleet Management will focus on real time management of a distribution system. This means that when a dynamic event occurs within the distribution chain, action must be taken in ‘real-time.’ The book will integrate the latest results in system design, algorithm development and system implementation, to capture the state-of-the art research and application trends. While much of the research in this area of transportation problems have almost exclusively concentrated on carrying out static plans on optional distribution conditions, this book will examine those problems when some dynamic or unplanned even occurs within the transport or network system. It will focus specifically on these cases and integrate the latest results in systems, routing algorithms and case studies where information (a dynamic event) is revealed to the decision maker in a real-time manner.
Tabella dei contenuti
Planned Route Optimization For Real-Time Vehicle Routing.- Classification Of Dynamic Vehicle Routing Systems.- Dynamic And Stochastic Vehicle Routing In Practice.- A Parallelizable And Approximate Dynamic Programming-Based Dynamic Fleet Management Model With Random Travel Times And Multiple Vehicle Types.- Integrated Model For The Dynamic On-Demand Air Transportation Operations.- An Intermodal Time-Dependent Minimum Cost Path Algorithm.- Real-Time Emergency Response Fleet Deployment: Concepts, Systems, Simulation & Case Studies.- Vehicle Routing And Scheduling Models, Simulation And City Logistics.- Dynamic Management Of A Delayed Delivery Vehicle In A City Logistics Environment.- Real-Time Fleet Management At Ecourier Ltd.