Vegetius or Publius Vegetius Renatuswas a writer of the Later Roman Empire (late 4th century). There are little data about his life. All the information about him is drawn from his two surviving works: Epitoma rei militaris (also referred to as De re militari) and the lesser-known Digesta Artis Mulomedicinae, a guide to veterinary medicine. In one of the books, he identifies himself as a Christian.
4 Ebook di Vegetius
Vegetius: De re militari
De re militari (Latin ‘Concerning Military Matters’), also known as Epitoma rei militaris, is a work by the Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus. The book casts light on the Roman warfare and military pr …
Vegetius: De re militari
In ‘De re militari, ‘ Vegetius offers a comprehensive examination of military strategy and tactics, presenting a detailed guide for Roman military practices that resonates through the ages. Written i …
Vegetius: De re militari
In ‘De re militari, ‘ Vegetius presents a comprehensive treatise on military strategy and tactics in the late Roman Empire, emphasizing the importance of discipline, training, and organization within …
Vegetius: De re militari
In ‘De re militari’ liefert Vegetius eine umfassende Darstellung der römischen Militärstrategie und Taktik, die über Jahrhunderte das Rückgrat des Erfolgs des Römischen Reiches bildeten. Der Text, ge …