Autore: Verica Rupar

Verica Rupar is Associate Professor at the Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. She has been involved in number of international projects on media and politics in Europe, North Africa and the Asia Pacific region. Her publications include Journalism and Meaning-Making (2010), Scooped: Politics and Power of Journalism in Aoteraoa New Zealand (co-edited with Sean Phelan and Martin Hirst, 2012), and Getting the Facts Right: Reporting Ethnicity and Religion (2012). She has worked previously as a journalist in Serbia, Slovenia and Hungary, and taught journalism in New Zealand, Serbia, Australia and the UK.

1 Ebook di Verica Rupar

Verica Rupar: Themes and Critical Debates in Contemporary Journalism
The old definitions of journalism are under fire; its occupational identity and importance to democracy, public life, and social justice are contested, while the content, technologies, practices and …