Autore: Vesna Dimitrieska

Dr. Gayle Buck is an Associate Dean and Professor of Science Education at Indiana University. Her scholarship explores 1) student populations traditionally underserved in science education, 2) neglected epistemological assumptions, and 3) pragmatic and participatory approaches to improving teacher education. She has taught several workshops/courses focused on equity and global science, co-edited books on pre-service science teacher education, and published in various academic books and journals.  Dr. Vesna Dimitrieska is the Coordinator of Global Education Initiatives at Indiana University. Her work focuses on internationalizing P-16 education. Her research interests include curriculum internationalization, language teacher identity, and reflective practices of language teachers and teacher educators. Dr. Dimitrieska has received multiple national awards. Dr. Valarie Akerson is Professor of Science Education with a research focus on nature of science in elementary science teacher education. She is a Past-President of the Association for Science Teacher Education and NARST: A Global Organization for Improving Science Education Through Research, and 2021 Recipient of the NARST Distinguished Contributions to Science Education Research Award.

1 Ebook di Vesna Dimitrieska

Gayle A. Buck & Vesna Dimitrieska: Internationalizing Rural Science Teacher Preparation
This edited volume discusses the need to increase quantity and enhance quality of science education focused on preparing rural students to thrive in an interconnected, interdependent, and complex wor …