When a tramp with an Oxford accent calls on G. Baxter and Flint Private Investigators to find his crossbreed dog, our dynamic duo consider this one case not worth investigating.*However, when pedigree dogs also start disappearing they have a rethink. Should they concentrate on finding the crossbreed with an IQ higher than the average pooch, or treat both cases with equal priority?*After a short discussion, resulting in a division of labour, poo bags at the ready, they go in search of the dognappers.
Circa l’autore
Violetta Antcliff has been a member of the Nottingham Writers’ Club for the best part of twenty years. A winner of numerous short story competitions, her work was area short listed in Waterstone’s Wow Factor story competition. Took first prize in Nottingham County Council short story competition with a story called ‘Irish Mouse Tales, ‘ which was published by Gypsy Shadow Publishing as an e Book in July of 2012. ‘Crossbreed versus Pedigree’ is Violetta’s 34th e Book with Gypsy Shadow since 2009 and follows ‘The Tangled Web, ‘ ‘A Silent Scream’ and the latest installment in the Jason Foster Series, ‘Jason’s Teen Years.’ She has had her poetry and short stories read on local radio.