Autore: Virginia King

Virginia King native of Diboll, Texas currently lives in the Dallas, Texas area. Virginia received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Le Tourneau University then completed a double Masters –an MBA and Human Resources from the University of Phoenix. Virginia has a background of administrative and management skills. She has been a motivated speaker in multiple training sessions and seminars. Virginia has a heart for people and loves ministry. She served as a team leader in speaking on relationships and women of wisdom and influence. She displays a spirit of excellence in the birth of her ministry “Praiser with A Purpose”. Virginia also sings, teach and encourage people she comes in contact with. She continues to spread the good news of being an overcomer across the DFW and other surrounding areas.

5 Ebook di Virginia King

Virginia King: Seek and Ye Shall Find It’S a Testimony
In life, there is much insecurity that comes with the lack of confidence and assurance. We all deal with insecurity at one point or another; its the natural way to gauge whether our ventures will be …
Virginia King: Divorce and Remarriage
So many times we ask the question “Why am I remaining Single and my partner was unfaithful, that is not fair to me. At this point we refer to Matthew 19:1-9, Is Divorce Always Wrong? Women in Jesus t …