Autore: Walter A. Orenstein

Matthew Z. Dudley, Ph D, MSPH Epidemiologist, Institute for Vaccine Safety Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health   Daniel A. Salmon, Ph D, MPH Professor, Departments of International Health and Health, Behavior and Society Deputy Director, Institute for Vaccine Safety Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Director, Institute for Vaccine Safety, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Neal A. Halsey, MD Emeritus Professor, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Emeritus Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine   Walter A. Orenstein, MD, DSc (Hon) Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics, Global Health, and Epidemiology, Emory University Associate Director, Emory Vaccine Center Director, Center of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance (Emory-UGA CEIRS) President, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID)   Rupali J. Limaye, Ph D, MPH, MA Associate Director for Behavioral Research, Institute for Vaccine Safety Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health   Sean T. O’Leary, MD, MPH Associate Professor, Pediatrics-Infectious Diseases University of Colorado School of Medicine   Saad B. Omer, MBBS, Ph D, MPH William H. Foege Professor of Global Health Professor of Epidemiology and Pediatrics, Emory University

4 Ebook di Walter A. Orenstein

Matthew Z. Dudley & Daniel A. Salmon: The Clinician’s Vaccine Safety Resource Guide
This book provides clinicians and their staff with essential information on the vaccines that are recommended and not recommended for their patients, the diseases these vaccines prevent, and a broad …
Richard W Compans & Walter A. Orenstein: Vaccines for Pandemic Influenza
Recent years have seen unprecedented outbreaks of avian influenza A viruses. In particular, highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses have not only resulted in widespread outbreaks in domestic poultry, but have …
Kathryn M. Edwards & Walter A. Orenstein: Covid-19 Vaccine Guide
What you should know about the Covid-19 vaccines from top experts in the field. As the SARS-Cov2 virus emerged and spread globally in early 2020, unprecedented international efforts began to develop …
Kathryn M. Edwards & Paul A. Offit: Plotkin’s Vaccines, E-Book
From the latest vaccination evidence, recommendations, and protocols . . . to new vaccine development and the use of vaccines in reducing disease, Plotkin’s Vaccines, 8th Edition, covers every aspect …