Dialectics of Education is a rich collection of essays analyzing both the role of education in shaping ideology in the United States and the political implications of struggles for educational justice. This book seeks to recover and reframe the dialectical materialist tradition in critical education, studies and carries this tradition forward into theory and practice relevant for today.
Building on the tradition of the groundbreaking book Schooling in Capitalist America that was first published in 1976, author Wayne Au presents a Marxist perspective on educational policies and pedagogy and the highlights the potential for struggle in both the political arena and the classroom.
This book is an essential tool in the growing resistance against the privatization of education and for the struggle for educational rights for all students regardless of ethnicity or social status.
Tabella dei contenuti
General Contents
1.Introduction(revised intellectual biography plus more typical introductory remarks and context, need, placement of this work)2.Against Economic Determinism(revised paper on Neo-Marxism and what I characterize as a misreading of Marx to begin with)3.Critical Reflection in the Classroom(dialectical conception of consciousness exists as individual book chapter in an edited collection and in Chapter Two of Critical Curriculum Studies)4.Curricular Standpoint(revision of existing versions as edited book chapter, aspects of chapters 1, 5, & 6 of Critical Curriculum Studies and Teachers College Record article)5.Epistemology of the Oppressed(revised paper on Freire and dialectical materialism)(to be written-articulatedacross other books/articles)7.Meritocracy 2.0: Neoliberal multiculturalism and the Racial Project of High-Stakes Testing8.Vygotsky and Lenin on Learning9.Education & Inequality-Relative Autonomy10.Dialectical research methods11.Conclusion-Reflections on practice
Circa l’autore
Wayne Au is an Associate Professor in the School of Educational Studies at the University of Washington Bothell, and he is an editor for the social justice teaching magazine, Rethinking Schools. He is the author of several books and curriculum guides on radical pedagogy including Rethinking Multicultural Education: Teaching for Racial and Cultural Justice.