Wendy Mayhew has 40 years of business experience. Five years ago, she was approached by McGraw-Hill Ryerson to take over the authorship of a textbook on entrepreneurship, which has since been described as the most practical textbook on entrepreneurship in the higher education market in Canada.
A few years ago, Wendy started to research entrepreneurship for older businesspeople. She soon found out that, although this age group is the fastest-growing group of new business owners, it is also the most under-supported and under-served group. She also discovered that there wasn”t a practical guide to assist people over the age of 50 in starting a business. The idea of WISER: The Definitive Guide to Starting a Business After the Age of 50 was born.
1 Ebook di Wendy Mayhew
TBD & Wendy Mayhew: WISER
About the Author Wendy Mayhew is an author, speaker & entrepreneur, with over 40 years’ experience successfully launching & managing businesses. She founded the communications agency Mayhew & Associa …