Autore: Wilhelm Burger

Zur Vita von Herrn Dr. Burger: Ausbildung: Master of Science (University of Utah, Computer Science), Promotion an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of California. Berufliche Tätigkeit: Entwicklungstechniker (Bildgebende Systeme in der Ultraschallmedizin); Research Associate (Honeywell Systems and Research Center, Minneapolis); Universitäts-Assistent an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (FWF-Forschungsschwerpunkt “Digitale Bildverarbeitung”); derzeit Leiter des FH-Studiengangs “Medientechnik und -Design” an der FH-Hagenberg. Zur Vita von Herrn Dr. Burge: He earned his doctorate degree in Computer Science at the Johannes Kepler University in Austria while a research scientist in the Austrian Science Foundation”s Robust and Adaptive Methods for Image Understanding research program. He also earned a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science from Ohio Wesleyan University, completed the fifth year”s honors courses in Computer Science at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland and earned a Masters of Science in Computer Science from the Ohio State University. He spent a number of years as a researcher at the Department of Computer Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland as part of the Swiss Federal Commission for the Advancement of Scientific Research”s Automatic Interpretation of Cadastral Maps project and at the Ohio State University as a postdoc in their NASA Commercial Space Center”s Image Understanding and Interpretation project. Associate Professor in Computer Science (a CSAB accredited department within the School of Computing with a total of 24 faculty members, 21 with earned Doctorate degrees and around 300 majors) at Armstrong Atlantic State University (a comprehensive Carnegie Master”s University I of 6500 undergraduate and master”s students that is part ofthe University System of Georgia).

10 Ebook di Wilhelm Burger

Wilhelm Burger & Mark J. Burge: Digital Image Processing
Written as an introduction for undergraduate students, this textbook covers the most important methods in digital image processing. Formal and mathematical aspects are discussed at a fundamental leve …
Wilhelm Burger & Mark James Burge: Digitale Bildverarbeitung
In der überarbeiteten und inhaltlich erweiterten Neuauflage des international erfolgreichen ‘Klassikers’, der von Praktikern und Dozenten gerne eingesetzt wird, geben die Autoren eine fundierte Einfü …
Mark J. Burge & Wilhelm Burger: Digital Image Processing
This revised and expanded new edition of an internationally successful classic presents an accessible introduction to the key methods in digital image processing for both practitioners and teachers. …
Bir Bhanu & Wilhelm Burger: Qualitative Motion Understanding
Mobile robots operating in real-world, outdoor scenarios depend on dynamic scene understanding for detecting and avoiding obstacles, recognizing landmarks, acquiring models, and for detecting and tra …
Mark J. Burge & Wilhelm Burger: Principles of Digital Image Processing
This is the second volume of a book series that provides a modern, algori- mic introduction to digital image processing. It is designed to be used both by learners desiring a ?rm foundation on which …
Mark J. Burge & Wilhelm Burger: Principles of Digital Image Processing
This textbook is the third of three volumes which provide a modern, algorithmic introduction to digital image processing, designed to be used both by learners desiring a firm foundation on which to b …
Mark James Burge & Wilhelm Burger: Digitale Bildverarbeitung
Die Autoren geben eine fundierte Einführung in die wichtigsten Methoden der digitalen Bildverarbeitung. Dabei steht die praktische Anwendbarkeit im Vordergrund, formale und mathematische Aspekte sind …
Mark J. Burge & Wilhelm Burger: Digital Image Processing
This modern, self-contained textbook provides an accessible introduction to the field from the perspective of a practicing programmer, supporting a detailed presentation of the fundamental concepts a …