The authors use examples from their own clinical practice to explain the development of Lacanian theory.
After Lacan combines abundant case material with graceful yet sophisticated theoretical exposition in order to explore the clinical practice of Lacanian psychoanalysis. Focusing on the groundbreaking clinical treatment of psychosis that Gifric (Groupe Interdisciplinaire Freudien de Recherches et d’Interventions Cliniques et Culturelles) has pioneered in Quebec, the authors discuss how Lacanians theorize psychosis and how Gifric has come to treat it analytically. Chapters are devoted to the general concepts and key terms that constitute the touchstones of the early phase of analytic treatment, elaborating their interrelations and their clinical relevance. The second phase of analytic treatment is also discussed, introducing a new set of terms to understand transference and the ethical act of analysis in the subject’s assumption of the Other’s lack. The concluding chapters broaden discussion to include the key psychic structures that describe the organization of subjectivity and thereby dictate the terms of analysis: not just psychosis, but also perversion and obsessional and hysterical neurosis.
Tabella dei contenuti
List of Figures
Introduction: The Dialectic of Theory and Clinic
Robert Hughes and Kareen Ror Malone
Chapter 1: The Trauma of Language
Lucie Cantin
Chapter 2: The Jouissance of the Other and the Sexual Division in Psychoanalysis
Willy Apollon
Chapter 3: The Signifier
Danielle Bergeron
Chapter 4: The Work of the Dream and Jouissance in Treatment of the Psychotic
Danielle Bergeron
Chapter 5: From Delusion to Dream
Lucie Cantin
Chapter 6: The Letter of the Body
Willy Apollon
Chapter 7: The Symptom
Willy Apollon
Chapter 8: From Symptom to Fantasy
Willy Apollon
Chapter 9: Perverse Features and the Future of the Drive in Obsessional Neurosis
Danielle Bergeron
Chapter 10: Perversion and Hysteria
Lucie Cantin
Chapter 11: The Fate of Jouissance in the Pervert-Hysteric Couple
Lucie Cantin
Chapter 12: Violence in Works of Art, or, Mishima, from the Pen to the Sword
Danielle Bergeron
List of Contributors
Circa l’autore
Robert Hughes is Assistant Professor of English at the Ohio State University and coeditor (with Kareen Ror Malone) of After Lacan: Clinical Practice and the Subject of the Unconscious, also published by SUNY Press.