Nanotechnology is a progressive research and development topic with
large amounts of venture capital and government funding being
invested worldwide. Nano mechanics, in particular, is the study and
characterization of the mechanical behaviour of individual atoms,
systems and structures in response to various types of forces and
loading conditions.
This text, written by respected researchers in the field,
informs researchers and practitioners about the fundamental
concepts in nano mechanics and materials, focusing on their
modelling via multiple scale methods and techniques. The book
systematically covers the theory behind multi-particle and
nanoscale systems, introduces multiple scale methods, and finally
looks at contemporary applications in nano-structured and
bio-inspired materials.
Tabella dei contenuti
1. Introduction.
1.1 Potential of Nanoscale Engineering.
1.2 Motivation for Multiple Scale Modeling.
1.3 Educational Approach.
2. Classical Molecular Dynamics.
2.1 Mechanics of a System of Particles.
2.2 Molecular Forces.
2.3 Molecular Dynamics Applications.
3. Lattice Mechanics.
3.1 Elements of Lattice Symmetries.
3.2 Equation of Motion of a Regular Lattice.
3.3 Transforms.
3.4 Standing Waves in Lattices.
3.5 Green’s Function Methods.
3.6 Quasistatic Approximation.
4. Methods of Thermodynamics and Statistical
4.1 Basic Results of the Thermodynamic Method.
4.2 Statistics of Multiparticle Systems in Thermodynamic
4.3 Numerical Heat Bath Techniques.
5. Introduction to Multiple Scale Modeling.
5.1 MAAD.
5.2 Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics.
5.3 Quasicontinuum Method.
5.4 CADD.
5.5 Bridging Domain.
6. Introduction to Bridging Scale.
6.1 Bridging Scale Fundamentals.
6.2 Removing Fine Scale Degrees of Freedom in Coarse Scale
3D Generalization.
6.3 Discussion on the Damping Kernel Technique.
6.4 Cauchy-Born Rule.
6.5 Virtual Atom Cluster Method.
6.6 Staggered Time Integration Algorithm.
6.7 Summary of Bridging Scale Equations.
6.8 Discussion on the Bridging Scale Method.
7. Bridging Scale Numerical Examples.
7.1 Comments On Time History Kernel.
7.4 Two-Dimensional Wave Propagation.
7.5 Dynamic Crack Propagation in Two Dimensions.
7.6 Dynamic Crack Propagation in Three Dimensions.
7.7 Virtual Atom Cluster Numerical Examples.
8. Non-Nearest Neighbor MD Boundary Condition.
8.1 Introduction.
8.2 Theoretical Formulation in 3D.
8.3 Numerical Examples – 1D Wave Propagation.
8.4 Time History Kernels for FCC Gold.
8.5 Conclusion on the Bridging Scale Method.
9. Multiscale Methods for Material Design.
9.1 Multiresolution Continuum Analysis.
9.2 Multiscale Constitutive Modeling of Steels.
9.3 Bio-Inspired Materials.
9.4 Summary and Future Research Directions.
10. Bio-Nano Interface.
10.3 Vascular Flow and Blood Rheology.
10.4 Electrohydrodynamic Coupling.
10.5 CNT/DNA Assembly Simulation.
10.6 Cell Migration and Cell-Substrate Adhesion.
10.7 Conclusions.
Appendix A: Kernel Matrices for EAM Potential.
Circa l’autore
Wing Kam Liu, Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston,
IL 60208-3111, USA
Wing Kam Liu has been Professor at the Department of Mechanical
Engineering at Northwestern University since 1988. He is also
Director of the NSF Summer Institute on Nano Mechanics and
Materials. His research interests here include concurrent and
hierarchical bridging scale methods for computational mechanics, in
particular nano-mechanics and materials, and multi-scale analysis.
He is an experienced author, having authored/co-authored over 100
published articles and the book Meshfree Particle Methods
(Springer-Verlag, 2004) with Shaofan Li. He is the US Editor of the
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
(Springer) and has also worked as a consultant to a number of
international companies and organizations.
Eduard G. Karpov, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL
60208-3111, USA
Harold S. Park, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL
60208-3111, USA